
Is your boiler truly efficient?

Given that your boiler accounts for the majority of your heating fuel bill, I am sure you are constantly looking at ways to improve its efficiency.  In a typical industrial environment, even at its best, your boiler can only be 85% efficient. Do you monitor the performance of your boiler at plant load condition?  Are you aware of how these losses contribute to your boiler’s inefficiency? Radiation and Exhaust losses Start-up losses Pre & post purge losses Loss at high turn down Loss during change of loads Idle and stand-by losses Download to know more about these losses. At Aspiration Energy provide renewable energy solutions in the areas of Solar Thermal, Solar Photovoltaic, and Energy Efficiency Services. As part of our Energy efficiency services, we offer True Boiler Efficiency services that will help you uncover your actual costs on boiler. Kanchana. R Head – Operations

Aspiration Energy, Blog

Free Solar Power for 18 years

Aspiration Energy is the only Solar PV (Electricity) Project Developer in India to offer 7 years BOT (@ Rs 7.00 per KWH) at the end of which you will own the system 100% and get free power for the next 18 years. We can use your factory roof top to execute power plants from 200 KWp to 2 MWp, depending on the shadow free space available. Comparison of cash flows and savings – between PPA option available in the market, with our unique 7 year BOT is explained below: (for a sample 200KWp plant) Solar PV System Workings (200 KWp Plant) Advance Deposit paid by Customer in addition to Income Tax benefit from 80% Accelerated Depreciation. Rs 16,00,000 Estimated annual generation KWH 3,00,000 Cost per KWH-During 7 year PPA (BOT) Rs 7.00 Power Purchase bill paid to AEPL Per year (Rs 7.00 X Generation) Rs 21,00,000 Balance Asset value to be paid by customer at the end of 7 years, to get 100% ownership of the Solar Power Plant. Rs 0.00 Cost per KWH after tenure Rs 0.00 for 18 years Cumulative Savings compared to PPA model* Rs 419,00,000 *Please see cash flow comparison below Customer scope : Factory Roof top Infrastructure,  Periodic cleaning of panels. Cash flow Comparison between PPA model and AEPL’s 7 year BOT model. 200 KWp Solar PV Power Plant  7 Year BOT @ Rs 7.00  PPA Model  PPA rate  with 3% Escalation  Excess Paid / Saving  Advance          16,00,000          (16,00,000)                           1          21,00,000                   16,80,000                     5.60          (4,20,000)                           2          21,00,000                   17,34,000                     5.78          (3,66,000)                           3          21,00,000                   17,88,000                     5.96          (3,12,000)                           4          21,00,000                   18,42,000                     6.14          (2,58,000)                           5          21,00,000                   18,96,000                     6.32          (2,04,000)                           6          21,00,000                   19,50,000                     6.50          (1,50,000)                           7          21,00,000                   20,04,000                     6.68              (96,000)                           8 0                   20,58,000                     6.86          20,58,000                           9 0                   21,12,000                     7.04          21,12,000                        10 0                   21,66,000                     7.22          21,66,000                        11 0                   22,20,000                     7.40          22,20,000                        12 0                   22,74,000                     7.58          22,74,000                        13 0                   23,28,000                     7.76          23,28,000                        14 0                   23,82,000                     7.94          23,82,000                        15 0                   24,36,000                     8.12          24,36,000                        16 0                  24,90,000                     8.30          24,90,000                        17 0                   25,44,000                     8.48          25,44,000                        18 0                   25,98,000                     8.66          25,98,000                        19 0                   26,52,000                     8.84          26,52,000                        20 0                   27,06,000                     9.02          27,06,000                        21 0                   27,60,000                     9.20          27,60,000                        22 0                   28,14,000                     9.38          28,14,000                        23 0                   28,68,000                     9.56          28,68,000                        24 0                   29,22,000                     9.74          29,22,000                        25 0                   29,76,000                     9.92          29,76,000 Total        163,00,000                582,00,000        419,00,000 So before signing a PPA agreement for any Solar Power Project, contact us at or call us at (044-42185301)


Few questions; few answers (1) – About Aspiration Energy

We started our blog a year back during July 2014. When we look back, the year had moments of jubilations, we became a WWF climate solver, won couple of projects that differed from the usual industries we worked on. Great learning curve. We are now 40 posts richer, sharing our thoughts, our views, current trends, setbacks. This is our 40th blog post, with a promise that there will be more blog posts that will strive to create the awareness within the industries to use Solar as their fuel, we present to you our few questions, few answers series. What we might feel as a simple question can have wealth of meaning. The simplest questions fetch answers that in turn pave way for research and growth. Few questions; few answers: Who are we? Aspiration Energy Private Ltd (AEPL) provides roof top, Solar Thermal Systems on pay-per-unit (KWH) model, for Industrial Heating Applications in the temperature range of 60 to 120 Degree Celsius. By innovative systemic enhancements to proven technologies, AEPL has achieved a cost per MW which is 30-40% cheaper than Solar PV and Solar CSP, making it economical and viable without government subsidy. The monthly bill is based on the heat energy delivered to the process through a heat exchanger. AEPL takes all the risks and converts the CAPEX investment in to an OPEX expense similar to fuel purchase / utility bill. What is our vision? According to a KPMG report in 2012, there is a potential to replace 4.8 Million Tons of Oil per year in Low Temperature Industrial heating applications (< 250 Deg cel) in India alone, valued at USD 3.5 Billion per year, requiring 70 Million SQM of thermal collectors. This translates in to 20,000 MW of Solar thermal capacity in manufacturing sector alone. Our vision is to achieve 10,000 MW within the next 5 years. At an average of 2 MW per factory, the no. of possible projects over the next 5 years in India is 5000+ executed through 50+ partners. What are the obstacles that mar our vision? Inspite of solar thermal being 30-40% cheaper than Solar PV and Solar CSP, due to the dependence on commercial financing, we are finding it difficult to provide PPU rates like Rs.3.0 per KWH. 90% project finance with a longer tenure say 15 years can speed up the voluntary adoption. Voluntary adoption and decision making is very slow. If the Government mandates the use of Solar thermal for all industrial heating below 120 Deg Celsius, we can execute 10,000 MW for industrial heating in India alone. Million of Tons of Oil could be saved per year. The resultant foreign exchange saving and energy security advantages for India will be huge. What are our innovations and how they benefit? Innovations in Systems Design: Through our constant enhancements on existing globally proven ETC solar thermal collectors, we achieve higher temperatures required in the industry (60 -120C). The design and engineering innovations allows us : To install large scale systems on factory roof tops (500 KW to 5 MW) Efficiently extract the heat from the ETC modules Transport it through 1000-2000 meters of pressurized piping circuits Transfer it to the manufacturing process of the customer through a heat exchanger. The energy delivery is measured and totalized at the customer’s process end for monthly billing purpose, if only the guaranteed process temperature is achieved. Energy generated below the guaranteed process temperature is not billed.’ Pumps, Solenoid Valves, Temperature Sensors and PLC based Automation are used to manage energy delivery and billing. We have achieved INR 45 Million per MW (USD 700,000) for projects executed in India which is 40% cheaper than Solar PV and 30% cheaper than Solar CSP. The energy delivered is 4 times more than Solar PV per SQ MTR. Innovations in Business Model: By linking the monthly payments to the thermal energy delivered, we completely de-risk the project for the customer and make it in to an opex expense like fuel purchase or utility bill. (5, 10 or 20 year contracts with pre-agreed rate per KWH). The asset is owned by AEPL or a leasing company or a third party investor. For customers who have accelerated depreciation benefits, we offer a very unique “Customer Owned but Pay-per-unit monthly billing model”. The customer owns the asset in his balance sheet and claims income tax benefits. The monthly billing (PPU price X Energy Delivered) realized from customer is posted in AEPL books in two parts : a) interest free EMI for the balance asset value and b) performance linked fee for AEPL. Comprehensive O&M and AMC are also offered as an option. How unique are our innovations? Burning of fossil fuels in boilers, is the most common approach for industrial heating applications even for temperatures in the range of 60-120 Deg Cel. Grid electricity is also used in some places. The cost per unit of thermal energy derived from these sources is on par or higher than the prices offered by AEPL for Solar Thermal Energy. Solar CSP systems (Concentrator Dish type) cannot be mounted on factory roof tops and ground space availability is a major constraint in manufacturing industry. They are also 30-40% more expensive than AEPL thermal systems and hence require government subsidy to make it viable. While these are justified for high temperature applications (>250 Deg Cel), these are not economically viable for 60-120 Deg Cel. Traditional Solar Water Heaters used in Domestic and Commercial sectors cannot be used for Industrial heating applications. ~to be continued


High temperature

New vacuum tube collector that generates heat up to 120 deg C. Very interesting article and technology. Our combined approaches of Integrative concentration™, StayLiquid™ , FlexiFlow™ are already creating temperatures like 110 deg C in our installation in Padi, Chennai. It is doing so at least for 5 hours in a day for a minimum of 250 days in a year! Once we install scaled system of our new innovation in U-tube type ETC collectors, I am positive we can cross 120 deg C. We are hoping that this innovation above can be much lower in cost than what we can do with U-tube.


Raise up and bring down!

The Step-up, Step-down trap… This is the way the most energy systems in the world are built today – Electricity grids take the voltage all the way up to 11 KV (11000V), 33 KV (33000V) and 66 KV (66000V). Your home consumption may be at 230V (India) or 110 V (USA) and so on. But, we use a transformer next to the consumption point and step it down. Same way, many companies run long steam lines or thermic fluid lines that are generated in a central boiler plant – at 150 Deg C to 250 Deg C. This high temperature steam/thermic fluid pipe is very similar to the high voltage grid. But, the end use is usually at lower temperature levels. Much like our electricity – where our usage voltage is low. Say, metal pre-treatment is at 60-70 Deg C. Washing is at 50 Deg C and so on. If we can interrupt it at lower temperature level and produce energy, why should we not do it? That is what we have done in our Wheels India Padi installation. We stop the high temperature thermic fluid lines, and instead run the low temperature process using solar heaters that produce the requisite lower temperatures.

Aspiration Energy, Blog

Comprehensive tariff order on solar power – TNERC

Comprehensive tariff order on solar power – TNERC This is good in more than one way for the solar developers. How will Tangedco fund it without massive tariff rationalization is the usual question that lingers in my mind. If not funded well, the payments will stutter and hence development may not happen. I am not seeing escalation specified clearly or may be I am missing something. As always, the reverse – higher the volume or capacity better pricing offer, unique to India and some developing countries is intriguing. Conventional wisdom says otherwise. Main comment is on the opposite view – Tangedco is ready to procure at 6.48. Alright. At generation end! Alright! So, tangedco absorbs transmission losses here. So, why can\’t we waive transmission losses for solar developers or make it concessional – some direct PPAs with end customers with group captive will immediately happen if that is done without much loss to the Government compared to this. Either way transmission loss is absorbed by tangedco, but higher tariff will be paid by the end user. Better, right? ~Bhoo


I pretend for a living. But, you do not – Leonardo DiCaprio

Actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio addresses the UN summit meeting on climate change. DiCaprio was recently named a United Nations Messenger of Peace. ‘This disaster has grown beyond the choices that individuals make. This is now about our industries, and governments…’ he tells the summit. DiCaprio – “Thank you, Mr Secretary General, your excellencies, ladies and gentleman, and distinguished guests. I’m honored to be here today, I stand before you not as an expert but as a concerned citizen, one of the 400,000 people who marched in the streets of New York on Sunday, and the billions of others around the world who want to solve our climate crisis. As an actor I pretend for a living. I play fictitious characters often solving fictitious problems. I believe that mankind has looked at climate change in that same way: as if it were a fiction; as if pretending that climate change wasn’t real, would somehow make it go away. But I think we all know better than that. Every week, we’re seeing new and undeniable climate events, evidence that accelerated climate change is here right now. Droughts are intensifying, our oceans are acidifying with methane plumes rising up from the ocean floor. We are seeing extreme weather events and the West Antarctic and Greenland ice-sheets melting at unprecedented rates, decades ahead of scientific projections. None of this is rhetoric, and none of it is hysteria. It is fact. The scientific community knows it, Industry knows it, governments know it, even the United States military knows it. The chief of the US navy’s Pacific command, admiral Samuel Locklear, recently said that climate change is our single greatest security threat. My Friends, this body – perhaps more than any other gathering in human history – now faces this difficult but achievable task. You can make history … or you will be vilified by it. To be clear, this is not about just telling people to change their light bulbs or to buy a hybrid car. This disaster has grown BEYOND the choices that individuals make. This is now about our industries, and governments around the world taking decisive, large-scale action. Now must be our moment for action. We need to put a pricetag on carbon emissions, and eliminate government subsidies for oil, coal, and gas companies. We need end the free ride that industrial polluters have been given in the name of a free-market economy, they do not deserve our tax dollars, they deserve our scrutiny. For the economy itself will die if our ecosystems collapse. The good news is that renewable energy is not only achievable but good economic policy. This is not a partisan debate; it is a human one. Clean air and a livable climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of politics. It is question about own survival. This is the most urgent of times, and the most urgent of messages. Honoured delegates, leaders of the world, I pretend for a living. But you do not. The people made their voices heard on Sunday around the world and the momentum will not stop. And now it’s YOUR turn, the time to answer humankind’s greatest challenge is now. We beg you to face it with courage. And honesty. Thank you.”


Comprehensive tariff order on solar power – TNERC

Comprehensive tariff order on solar power – TNERC This is good in more than one way for the solar developers. How will Tangedco fund it without massive tariff rationalization is the usual question that lingers in my mind. If not funded well, the payments will stutter and hence development may not happen. I am not seeing escalation specified clearly or may be I am missing something. As always, the reverse – higher the volume or capacity better pricing offer, unique to India and some developing countries is intriguing. Conventional wisdom says otherwise. Main comment is on the opposite view – Tangedco is ready to procure at 6.48.  Alright. At generation end! Alright! So, tangedco absorbs transmission losses here. So, why can’t we waive transmission losses for solar developers or make it concessional – some direct PPAs with end customers with group captive will immediately happen if that is done without much loss to the Government compared to this. Either way transmission loss is absorbed by tangedco, but higher tariff will be paid by the end user. Better, right?


Solar against Biomass

Solar Energy is 100% clean energy. It controls pollution in atmosphere, paving way to cleaner, greener environment. Using Briquette based boilers for heating though renewable, still spoils the atmosphere by CO2 emissions. Most of the industries invest in Solar technologies not as a energy saving or ROI initiative but more from the Social responsibility angle for Clean, Green energy with ZERO emissions and Carbon reduction commitments. Investment on Solar is an added benefit for the brand image. In such a scenario a strict ROI calculation may not be required as long as the project pays for itself – even if it takes longer to pay back the investment. Compared to Solar PV and Solar CSP technologies, Aspiration Energy thermal has the lowest cost per MW and hence is a better Solar investment than other Solar alternatives. Another reason you may want to switch will be due to concerns of continued fuel availability in right quantities at the right time. Here the risk mitigation approach is difficult to quantify in terms of monetary value, even though you may have some numbers associated with loss of production, down time etc. When we replace the system with a Solar system (with hot water storage facility), the boiler itself could be sold and the re-sale price could be adjusted against the solar investment.


Solar Energy Vs Solar Power – 3

Credit: Ron Tandberg My earlier blog post talks about Solar Power and Solar Energy and recommends to add Solar Energy to our vocabulary. But, the revolutionary change that we pride ourselves with – is to specify solar heaters in terms of power KWth instead of in terms of energy – Litres Per Day – LPD.  Oxymoron! LPD – Litres Per Day vs KWth Solar heaters have been traditionally specified as LPD meaning – Litres Per Day.  Why? The traditional solar heaters have been worldwide used in domestic water heaters.  When do we need hot water at home?  Mornings.  Does the sun shine in the mornings?  No.  So, essentially, we are collecting sunlight and solar energy that shone yesterday and using it today.  In that scenario, it is good to express the capacity as LPD – How many useful Litres of hot water can be generated per day. LPD essentially represents the energy collected throughout the day. LPD vs KWth – how to represent the size of solar heaters? But, when it comes to Solar Process Heating systems, we need to work on generating the high temperature required consistently during the day.  That means, we need to have the “power” to heat requisite quantity of water instantly using solar generation. That is why we specify our collectors in terms of KWth! Here are other articles that talks about KWth rating of solar heater collectors. Methodology to present the installed capacity of solar collectors in GWth Simple method for Converting Installed Solar Collector Area to Annual Collector Output ~ Bhoo, CEO, Aspiration Energy

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