Aspiration Energy

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Heat Pumps, Heat Pumps

Air Source Heat Pumps and Water Source Heat Pumps – What Are They and How To Choose One?

[et_pb_section admin_label=\”section\”] [et_pb_row admin_label=\”row\”] [et_pb_column type=\”4_4\”][et_pb_text admin_label=\”Text\”] What are Air-Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) and Water-Source Heat Pumps (WSHPs)? Air-Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) and Water-Source Heat Pumps (WSHPs)follow the same thermodynamic cycle called the ‘Vapour Compression Cycle’. (Please watch our ‘Heat Pump Knowledge Series’ to learn more about the thermodynamic cycle). How To Choose Between Air-Source and Water-Source Heat Pumps? The air source heat pump takes the input of electricity, extracts the heat from the ambient air, and gives hot water up to 90 degrees Celsius. Due to the extraction of heat from the ambient air, the ambient gets cooler. So, if there is a requirement for both hot water and cold air, then the air source heat pump is the solution. Water source heat pump takes the input of electricity, extracts heat from ambient water or process return water from industrial processes, and gives hot water up to 90 degrees Celsius. Due to the extraction of heat from the water, the water gets cooled in the range 7 to 30 degrees Celsius and this temperature is dependent on the temperature required for hot water. If there is a  requirement for both hot water and cold water, then the water source heat pump is the solution. (Click here to find out how the cost of heat pumps compare with the cost of other heating sources) Get Both Heating and Cooling Hot water is generally used in industries for degreasing, for pre-treatment, or for washing machines. In the commercial sector,  it can be used for bathing purposes or in kitchens. Coldwater can be used to reduce the load on chillers and cold air can be used for space cooling where the room temperature has to be brought down. Check out Aspiration Energy\’s heat pump solutions. Environmental and Financial Payback As both the heat pump types run on the same principle, both run with almost the same efficiency. Both the heat pumps are useful to reduce the CO2 emissions and help industries to reduce their energy bills. Return on investment is high if the existing system is an electric heater or a hot water generator. If you replace them with the heat pump, then the payback period will be less than 1.5 years. For more information, you can contact Aspiration Energy at [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] [/et_pb_section]

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Case Studies, Heat Pumps, Heat Pumps

How Much Is ‘Not Replacing The Diesel Boiler In Your Hotel’ Costing You Every Day? This Case of a 4-Star Hotel Has The Answer!

[et_pb_section admin_label=\”section\”] [et_pb_row admin_label=\”row\”] [et_pb_column type=\”4_4\”][et_pb_text admin_label=\”Text\”] A heat pump is considered as a passive solar thermal system that can save up to half of what you usually spend for the diesel boiler. Let us consider this very simple example. A 4-star hotel was using a diesel boiler that consumed 40 liters of diesel, running  8 hours a day for the generation of hot water at 80 degrees centigrade. Now, let\’s see what difference it would make if we replace the diesel boiler with a heat pump. Calculating Boiler Capacity Installed First of all, we will calculate the heating capacity of a diesel boiler installed in the hotel using the formula where m is the fuel consumption rate. i.e., 40 liters for 8 hours a day CV is the calorific value of the diesel. i.e., 9500 kilocalories per liter n is the efficiency of diesel boiler i.e., 80%, calculating which gives the value of installed capacity of the boiler as 44 kilowatts. Calculating Heat Pump Capacity Needed The next step is the selection of heat pumps. If we use our standard model of 28-kilowatt heat pump, whose power input is 10 kilowatts, we should select two numbers to get the desired heating output of 44 kilowatts. In addition to this, we have to add the auxiliary load consumption by the circulation pumps which usually ranges from 1 to 1.5 kilowatts. So, the total power input could be 20 kilowatts + 1.5 kilowatts which is 21.5 kilowatts. Now let’s move to the savings part. Comparing Running Costs of Diesel Boiler With Heat Pump First of all, we will calculate the operating cost of the diesel boiler for one day. i.e., 40 liters of diesel used per day x cost of diesel per liter i.e., 70 rupees, which gives the value of 2800 rupees. Now calculating the operating cost of heat pump for one day i.e 21.5 kilowatts x  8 hours of operation x 8.5 rupees i.e, the unit cost of electricity, which gives a value of 1460 rupees. The difference between these two values, i.e, 1340 rupees, is our savings per day! Payback Period, Financial and Environmental Savings If you calculate the savings for one year by multiplying it with 360 days, their annual saving would be 4,82,400 rupees. Finally, if they start using heat pumps right now, the return of investment would be 1.5 to 2 years. By using a heat pump, they not only save the money but also reduce the emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Contact Us to Get Started Thank you. As always, if you are looking for a contractor who can help you with replacing your diesel boiler and installing energy-efficient heat pumps, give us a call at 96777 63170 or email us on [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] [/et_pb_section]

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Case Studies, Heat Pumps, Heat Pumps

Will Heat Pumps perform better for Automobile Engine Head Washing?

Are heat pumps more cost-effective and efficient than electrical heaters in a hot water application for the manufacturing industry? Case of an Automobile Manufacturer Let\’s talk about a customer – Automobile  Manufacturer. The application they used hot water for is Engine Head Washing and the capacity of operation is around 28 kilowatts. Their temperature requirement is 50 to 60 degrees Celsius and they were running two shifts of operation. Results of the intervention We visited them to understand this application and gave an exact 28 kilowatts heat pump to meet that temperature requirement. You can see the installation photograph (below).   Before the installation of a heat pump, their average electrical consumption per hour was around 24 units. After the installation of the heat pump, it drastically reduced to 12 units per hour and they were able to save 86000 units per year. Not only that, but they were also able to reduce their carbon emissions. So, the heat pumps are not only cost-effective and efficient but also renewable and sustainable. How did heat pump make this achievement possible? How was that drastic reduction in the number of units even possible? The answer to this question lies in the ambient. Yes, the Ambient! A Heat Pump uses ambient temperature heat along with the heat generated with the usage of electricity. It converts that heat and transfers the heat energy from the ambient to the required heat output. So, the 2 kilowatt of ambient heat along with the 1 kilowatt of the electrical unit gives out around 3 to 4 units of heat energy output. So, this is the working principle and in summary, this heat pump is going to save around  5.5 lakh rupees for the customer, for that particular application. Can you achieve the same? If you are using electrical heaters for your hot water application, please feel free to call us on 96777 63170 for a demo of our heat pump. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Heat Pumps, Heat Pumps

Calculating and Comparing Levelised Cost Of Heat (LCH) Or True Cost of Heat in Rs./kWhth Of Commonly Used Heating Sources

Do you know it could be more than 3 TIMES CHEAPER to produce the same amount of heat through Heat Pumps than through a Diesel Boiler or an Electric Heater? In this video – in order to make a fair comparison – Levelised Cost of Heat or True Cost of Heat in Rupees per kilowatt-hour thermal (Rs./kWhth) is obtained for a variety of commonly used heating sources. Are you using diesel or LPG for heating water up to 90 degrees C? Now, the government talks about electrification of heat which means replacing diesel or LPG with electricity. But when you are comparing the operating cost of diesel and LPG with electricity, is it even comparable? Let’s find out. kCal vs kWh How do we compare the operating costs of diesel or LPG driven hot water generator and electricity? First of all, we have to understand kCal vs kWh. Are they very different from each other? Both are units of energy. 860 kCal is nothing but 1 kWh from units of energy perspective. Now when you are converting kCal to kWh or kWh into kCal what comes into the picture is nothing but the efficiency. In the case of a generator or a power generator, the efficiency of a generator comes into the picture. That’s why people do not compare kCal and kWh that easily. But in a hot water generator, the kCal is converted into heat and in an electricity generator, the electricity consumed in kWh is consumed into water delivery in terms of kCal and that kCal can be easily converted into kWh just by taking kCal and dividing by 860. This is the first thing that we need to understand. Typical Boiler Efficiency What is boiler efficiency? What goes into the boiler in terms of kCal supplied, in terms of the fuel’s calorific content gets converted into heat by burning and then gets out as kCal output of the hot water, that is being converted from the cold stage to the hot stage. That’s basically what is happening in the boiler. Then, what is efficiency? Efficiency is in the terms of the losses that take place in the flue gases or any other heat losses that are in an enclosure etc. What is the usual efficiency of the boiler? Boiler manufacturers will say 95% or 90% and whatnot. But boiler efficiency usually is in 70% or 75% range. Particularly if you operate the boiler at the low capacity, the boiler efficiency is more in the 50 to 60% range. Then what is the true kCal delivered as hot water from the kCal input as the fuel? Let’s find out! Converting Calorific Values to Cost of Heat So, what are the calorific values of some of the fuels? Here is the table that shows you what are the different calorific values. Now if you take 1 liter of diesel and take the calorific value and divide by 860, that is the number of kWh contained in 1 liter of diesel. Now here is a table that shows what is per kg and per liter calorific value of many of the fuels. Table Comparing True Cost of Heat from Various Fuels Fuel​ Calorific Value​ Litre/kg​ Boiler Efficiency​ kW​ Litre/kg​ Fuel Price​ Cost of Energy Spent per kWh ​(Rs)​ ​ kCal​ kW​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Furnace oil​ 9454.84​ 11.00 ​ per liter​ 60%​ 6.6​ per liter​ 36​ 5.45 ​ Diesel (HSD)​ 9422.3​ 11.00 ​ per liter​ 60%​ 6.6​ per liter​ 63​ 9.55 ​ SKO​ 8833.3​ 10.30 ​ per liter​ 60%​ 6.18​ per liter​ 50​ 8.09 ​ LPG​ 11017.9​ 13.00 ​ per kg​ 60%​ 7.8​ per kg​ 43​ 5.51 ​ Propane​ 12033.7​ 14.00 ​ per kg​ 60%​ 8.4​ per kg​ 42​ 5.00 ​ Coal/Coke​ 5250​ 6.00 ​ per kg​ 60%​ 3.6​ per kg​ 8​ 2.22 ​ Briquettes (Sugarcane husk)​ 3996​ 4.65 ​ per kg​ 60%​ 2.79​ per kg​ 4.5​ 1.61 ​ Electricity​ 860​ 1​ per unit​ 95%​ 0.95​ per unit​ 8​ 8.42 ​ Heat Pump​ 860​ 3​ Per unit​ 300% *​ 3​ Per unit​ 8​ 2.67​ Now to find the true cost of the energy delivered, multiply the calorific values by the efficiency of the boiler. Let’s assume it as 70%, what happens to the cost? What is the cost per kWh so that you can compare it directly? Nothing else but the calorific value of the fuel multiplied by efficiency divided by 860 and multiplied by the cost of fuel will give you the true cost. So, if you take a diesel-based hot water generator, as you can see the table, that the calorific value of 9400 approximately kCal per liter, it delivers about 11 kWh per liter and if you take only the 60% efficiency, every liter will be able to deliver 6.6 kWh. If you take 66 rupees per liter of diesel – the current diesel price is slightly higher than this – you will find that per kWh price of running a diesel-based hot water generator is 10 rupees. Now is your electricity being as expensive as your 10 rupees per kWh, actually may not be. So, it doesn’t make sense for you to run a diesel-based hot water generator even if your electricity price is directly or anything less than 10 rupees per kWh. But look at the last row – heat pumps! How do Heat Pumps compare to others? Heat pumps absorb heat from the atmosphere and deliver more heat for every unit of electricity supplied. For every kWh of electricity supplied, heat pumps are able to deliver up to 3 kWh of heat energy. So, what it means is even if your kWh of electricity, the cost is 10 rupees – since it generates 3 units of energy – per kWh cost of running a heat pump for delivering hot water is less than 3 rupees. So, if you have a diesel boiler, diesel-based hot water generator, or any other fuel, I have made a table that compares all the fuels and their cost per kWh based on these numbers. If you know what your efficiency is, you can work out what is the kWh of delivered heat for your existing hot water generator. We will be happy to help you with this exercise and make a decision on choosing the right hot water source for your business. Please contact us.

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Heat Pumps, Uncategorized, Webinar

Webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\”

Aspiration Energy recently conducted a webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\” on Feb 20, 2018 as a part of its monthly webinar series.   The webinar was presented by Dr.Satyanarayanan, CTO, Aspiration Energy Pvt Ltd. The webinar provided a comparison between the various Heat Pump integration methods throughout the world and what the standard procedures are while hydridising the system.   Learn more by viewing the presentation below     Find the link to the video to the full webinar here:       To view the webinar in Youtube click here   Aspiration Energy is into the business of providing Sustainable Industrial Heating solutions. We also offer the energy efficient solutions in innovative financial options. Right now we have limited period rental offer for Heat Pumps at Rs.12,500 per month. Please revert to us at to register.

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Heat Pumps, Uncategorized, Webinar

Webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\”

Aspiration Energy recently conducted a webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\” on Feb 20, 2018 as a part of its monthly webinar series.   The webinar was presented by Dr.Satyanarayanan, CTO, Aspiration Energy Pvt Ltd. The webinar provided a comparison between the various Heat Pump integration methods throughout the world and what the standard procedures are while hydridising the system.   Learn more by viewing the presentation below     Find the link to the video to the full webinar here:       To view the webinar in Youtube click here   Aspiration Energy is into the business of providing Sustainable Industrial Heating solutions. We also offer the energy efficient solutions in innovative financial options. Right now we have limited period rental offer for Heat Pumps at Rs.12,500 per month. Please revert to us at to register.

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Heat Pumps, Uncategorized, Webinar

Webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\”

Aspiration Energy recently conducted a webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\” on Feb 20, 2018 as a part of its monthly webinar series.   The webinar was presented by Dr.Satyanarayanan, CTO, Aspiration Energy Pvt Ltd. The webinar provided a comparison between the various Heat Pump integration methods throughout the world and what the standard procedures are while hydridising the system.   Learn more by viewing the presentation below     Find the link to the video to the full webinar here:       To view the webinar in Youtube click here   Aspiration Energy is into the business of providing Sustainable Industrial Heating solutions. We also offer the energy efficient solutions in innovative financial options. Right now we have limited period rental offer for Heat Pumps at Rs.12,500 per month. Please revert to us at to register.

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Webinar

How do you Evaluate a Heat Pump?

A webinar was conducted on 24 Jan 2018 as part of Aspiration Energy\’s webinar series.   It dealt with topics such as basic principle of Heat Pump, how it saves energy and how much it would cost to make users aware of the advantages of heat pumps.   Aspiration Energy in association with partners have come up with a unique rental model that allows customers to try the heat pumps out for themselves in their organisation.   Now with a nominal rent of Rs. 12,500 per month try a heat pump and see for yourself.   To know more visit us here   Here is the presentation from the webinar.                                       Rent a heat pump from Aspiration Energy Pvt Ltd     Find the video recording of the webinar below.  

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Solar thermal, Webinar

Good practices in maintaining industrial solar water heaters

A common claim among the users of solar heaters is its inefficiency  to generate heat as time progresses. A system installed with large sums of investment does not do justice to its value. They do however have some underlying causes. This problem is the cause of lack of maintenance.   Industrial Solar Heaters are sustainable energy sources that provide heating solutions for applications with temperature requirements of up to 120 deg C. They reduce the use of fossil fuels and also significantly reduce energy costs by the using the sun\’s energy to deliver heat to the processes. This also means that the solar heater\’s system performance depends on the solar radiation at the site.   A conventional solar hot water system consists of solar collectors, piping, strainer, pumps etc. Each of these is a system in itself and requires proper maintenance – both general and breakdown for flawless functioning. This webinar deals with the maintenance issues that are part of having a solar heater. Good practices in maintaining industrial solar water heaters from Aspiration Energy Pvt Ltd [youtube]

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