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Precautionary Steps to be taken Before the Restart of the Heat Pump After Very Long Time Due to Pandemic Situation like COVID 19

[et_pb_section fb_built=\”1\” _builder_version=\”4.5.3\” _module_preset=\”default\” custom_padding=\”57px|||||\”][et_pb_row _builder_version=\”4.5.3\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_column type=\”4_4\” _builder_version=\”4.5.3\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_text _builder_version=\”4.5.3\” _module_preset=\”default\”] Are you using heat pump for hot water application and it is been shut for more than 2 to 3 months  due to current pandemic situation. Let\’s find out the precautionary steps to be taken before the restart of the heat pump.  We are going to talk about The precautionary steps to be taken before the start of the heat pump after very long time.  There are 12 precautionary steps to be followed and this can be  for any heat pump/any model/any capacity, air or water sourced, any form of liquid used, direct or indirect integration. As a first step we have to drain the water which is available in the system,  the water quality of the stagnated water will be very poor and it can damage the system if you restart.  After draining, refill it with very fresh quality water and switch on the circulation system.  Check  for the  air lock in the circulation system.  if not checked it can cause damage to  the coil and also it affects the flow of the system.  As a next step, Check for the strainer choke.  This stagnant water  might have cause the  strainer to get choked. We have to clean the strainer because it will affect the flow of the system. After the strainer, Check for the Plate Heat Exchanger. This also might have choked  because of the stagnated water. Clean the plate heat exchanger. Proper cleaning of the plate heat exchanger will help the proper transfer of heat and the required output will be delivered   After following the first 5 steps, we have to drain the water again,  this drain will helps to flush out all the dust particles sludge that are available in the system while we are cleaning the strainer and plate heat exchanger. Refill again with fresh quality water, can be demineralised water RO water. Also check for the level in the buffer tank which we are using in the system whether it is up to the required level for the heat pump system to work. Then Check for the temperature sensor which is to  be available in the buffer tank. The position of the sensor is very important and it has to be checked if it properly immersed in the buffer tank. After that Check for the electrical supply because  there may have voltage fluctuation, power factor fluctuation, fuses and breaks might have been damaged. All these need to be checked. After following all these precautionary steps, Switch on the Heat pump system. Check for the Leakages. There might be  leakages here and there while we are doing some cleaning activities. Arrest those leakages. After that, Switch on again the Heat pump system. At this pont of time, check for Heat pump display for any errors. Look for sensor readings such as electrical parameter readings with the help of energy meter and CT, flow sensor,and temperature sensor readings. While following all these precautionary steps, Now we are safe with the Proper Restart of the Heat Pump.   Please feel free to call us for any support online or offline anything related to the thermal systems not only Heat pumps, we are also deal with with services and maintenance of Chillers, Hot water generators and Solar thermal systems. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

Blog, Uncategorized

How can you beat the Heat of Diesel prices?

The saviour to beat the heat of diesel prices  What do a European Automobile Manufacturer, a Five Star Hotel, and a Non-profit organization that strives to eliminate classroom hunger of more than 15 Lakh students every day have in common? If you say, “nothing in common”, you may not be too far from the truth. Except that all these companies use Diesel in their day-to-day operations. Not only that, but they have also taken their first steps in reducing their fuel bill and decrease local pollution by switching to Heat Pumps. While the Automobile manufacturer uses Diesel to generate hot water for use in surface treatment applications, the Five Star Hotel has a huge Diesel-fired-boilers that ensure that its guests enjoy the comfort of hot water for bathing, any time of the day. And then we have the not-for-profit Foundation that runs one of the world’s largest Mid-Day Meal program in government and government-aided schools. This Foundation is forced to use Diesel for cooking purposes. Diesel prices have been increasing steeply over the last few months, and even though there has been a respite during the last few days, Diesel prices could very well increase further. The Diesel price change in Mumbai over the last year is given below:     Like most consumers of petroleum products, these organizations have also been affected by the 15-20% increase in Diesel prices since January 2018 and were looking for alternative solutions. And they are now convinced that Heat Pumps are the right alternative to Diesel based hot water generators. They are now customers of Aspiration Energy, and while a couple of them have opted for outright purchase of Heat pumps, thanks to their attractive payback periods, some of them have opted for the rental model offered by Aspiration Energy. They now join a list of illustrious customers of Aspiration Energy who are not only contributing to CO2 reductions but also improving their bottom line. We invite you to join these companies in reducing fossil fuel consumption, reducing fuel bill,s and leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Blog, Heat Pumps, Uncategorized

Smart Cities – the new way forward 

By 2050, 70 percent of the global population will be city dwellers. This means we need more cities, smart cities at that. Urbanisation although usually a has negative impact on the environment, does not need to be that way. Raj Cherubal, the CEO of Chennai Smart City in the regional WWF Climate Solver organised by Aspiration Energy  talked about the various ways the smart cities are using innovative technologies to help address issues concerning climate change. He discussed a number of planned initiatives that could help move towards sustainability in cities: Parallel Parking Systems   The aim of this project is to provide information on the parking spaces available in the city, and enable neat and and trouble-free parking. This will use IoT to track the availability of some 12,000 parking slots.  Although this system is not intuitively a climate change solution, it can be majorly effective in reducing the number of cars on road – and thereby reducing pollution    Cycle Sharing   Cycles will be made available for rental throughout Chennai,   allowing the people both  the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and also a eco-friendly mode of transport. The cycles will be fit with GPS enables trackers that will be help the people know the availability of these vehicles in their locality. Read more about the initiative here as part of Chennai being a C40 city.    Command and control  This system will help MTC buses ply efficiently thorough the help of intelligent traffic systems. Users can also get the information of the buses in their area and the would suggest the most optimum way to travel to the users.    Clean Sewage  The fourth initiative is to clean sewage under the bridge that are open and near residential areas and convert them into clean water sources and parks for the public   Smart Grids  Smart grids are the systems that could redefine the supply and distribution of both renewable and non- renewable sources of energy. As part of this the charging stations would be installed to enable charging of electric vehicles. TANGEDGO will be able regulate tariffs and play the role of present day petroleum companies.    These systems once in place can significantly help us tackle social, environmental and economical issues on a global level.

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Heat Pumps, Uncategorized, Webinar

Webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\”

Aspiration Energy recently conducted a webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\” on Feb 20, 2018 as a part of its monthly webinar series.   The webinar was presented by Dr.Satyanarayanan, CTO, Aspiration Energy Pvt Ltd. The webinar provided a comparison between the various Heat Pump integration methods throughout the world and what the standard procedures are while hydridising the system.   Learn more by viewing the presentation below     Find the link to the video to the full webinar here:       To view the webinar in Youtube click here   Aspiration Energy is into the business of providing Sustainable Industrial Heating solutions. We also offer the energy efficient solutions in innovative financial options. Right now we have limited period rental offer for Heat Pumps at Rs.12,500 per month. Please revert to us at info@aspirationenergy.com to register.

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Heat Pumps, Uncategorized, Webinar

Webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\”

Aspiration Energy recently conducted a webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\” on Feb 20, 2018 as a part of its monthly webinar series.   The webinar was presented by Dr.Satyanarayanan, CTO, Aspiration Energy Pvt Ltd. The webinar provided a comparison between the various Heat Pump integration methods throughout the world and what the standard procedures are while hydridising the system.   Learn more by viewing the presentation below     Find the link to the video to the full webinar here:       To view the webinar in Youtube click here   Aspiration Energy is into the business of providing Sustainable Industrial Heating solutions. We also offer the energy efficient solutions in innovative financial options. Right now we have limited period rental offer for Heat Pumps at Rs.12,500 per month. Please revert to us at info@aspirationenergy.com to register.

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Heat Pumps, Uncategorized, Webinar

Webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\”

Aspiration Energy recently conducted a webinar on \”Best International Heat Pump Integration Practices\” on Feb 20, 2018 as a part of its monthly webinar series.   The webinar was presented by Dr.Satyanarayanan, CTO, Aspiration Energy Pvt Ltd. The webinar provided a comparison between the various Heat Pump integration methods throughout the world and what the standard procedures are while hydridising the system.   Learn more by viewing the presentation below     Find the link to the video to the full webinar here:       To view the webinar in Youtube click here   Aspiration Energy is into the business of providing Sustainable Industrial Heating solutions. We also offer the energy efficient solutions in innovative financial options. Right now we have limited period rental offer for Heat Pumps at Rs.12,500 per month. Please revert to us at info@aspirationenergy.com to register.

Blog, Uncategorized

7 Reasons to consider Roof Top Solar Thermal than Solar PV | Part (6/8)

This post is part of a series of blog posts that deal with feasibility of solar thermal system over a solar PV module. Find the link to the previous post here. An another reason why solar thermal modules are preferred is because of the losses that incur during the generation and transmission of electricity using solar PV. Only a portion of the sun\’s radiation that falls on the solar PV module is converted to electricity, this in-turn undergoes transmission losses due its transportation through the grid.   This conversion also includes electrical heaters which have a heating efficiency of 90 percent. A brief summary of the loss that occur is depicted. Summing up, on average a solar PV module converts around only 10 percent of the incident initial radiation to final heating.   Solar Thermal modules avoid this problem since it directly converts the solar radiation to heat thorough the use of working fluids at high efficiency (around 70 %).  

Blog, Uncategorized

7 Reasons to consider Roof Top Solar Thermal than Solar PV | Part (4/8)

Mechanical Trackers    This post is part of a series of posts highlighting the feasibility of Solar Thermal when compared to Solar Photovoltaic modules.Find the previous post on costs, here.   The third reason on our list of reasons that suggest the pros of using Solar Thermal Instead of Solar Photovoltaic systems is Mechanical Devices that align the modules towards maximum solar irradiation. This is a main criteria when it comes to cost for Solar PV systems.Solar mechanical trackers are costly to integrate and even harder to maintain.Solar Thermal modules do not need these trackers.         Why?   Solar Thermal modules have evacuated tubes that heat water that flow through it.This being circular in cross section absorbs irradiation from all sides, thus effectively capturing the energy with minimal losses. In most cases the solar radiation incident on the Solar Thermal modules is far more than standard commitment that most companies provide   In the next post will look into the various loads that act on both these systems  

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Uncategorized

7 Reasons to consider Roof Top Solar Thermal than Solar PV | Part ( 2/8 )

  The Solar footprint in India is steadily increasing with currently 13.11 GW of power being produced The Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission is an initiative by the Government of India to increase the Solar Power Utilisation in India. It aims to increase the Solar base capacity in India to 100 GW by 2020. The yearly target-based goals given by the government are as follows :   Year-wise Targets (in MW)  Category 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19  2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Total Rooftop Solar 200 4,800 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 40,000 Ground Mounted Solar projects 1,800 7,200 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,500 8,500 57,000 Total 2,000 12,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 17,500 17,500 97,000   This suggests a tremendous potential for renewable energy to replace existing conventional technologies. This post is a part of a series of Posts that emphasise the feasibility of Solar thermal over Solar PV (Photovoltaic Installations) Find the link to the intro of this series here. Let us look into Reasons why Solar Thermal Installations are more feasible. The first reason is that Solar Thermal plants are Cost effective.      Solar PV   Solar Thermal   Cost  per MW   Rs 4.5 – 6 Crore Rs 2.5 – 3.5 Crore         Cost per unit                    Rs 5 – 6.5 per  kWh                Rs 3 – 4 per kWh    Tenure   12 – 25 years PPA  7 -10 years PPA   Solar PV prices have been plummeting for 6 -7 years – from 21 crores five years ago to around 5 crores as of now. Solar thermal still remains at a base rate of 2.5 to 3.5 crores for every MW installed.This translates to 4.5 to 6 rupees per KWh for Solar PV in Pay-per-unit agreements given by AAA rated companies. Solar thermal is considerably cheaper – by 30 to 40 percent – rates ranging from Rs 3 – 4 per kWh. This is because Solar Thermal System capital costs are significantly lower than Solar PV systems. As a result of the lower capital costs, the tenure periods for Solar PV and Solar Thermal are 12-25 years and 7-10 years respectively. This results in a win- win situation for Solar in both Capital Costs and Savings   In the next post, we shall look into the space requirements when compared to the same power generated.

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