climate change

Blog, Uncategorized

Precautionary Steps to be taken Before the Restart of the Heat Pump After Very Long Time Due to Pandemic Situation like COVID 19

[et_pb_section fb_built=\”1\” _builder_version=\”4.5.3\” _module_preset=\”default\” custom_padding=\”57px|||||\”][et_pb_row _builder_version=\”4.5.3\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_column type=\”4_4\” _builder_version=\”4.5.3\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_text _builder_version=\”4.5.3\” _module_preset=\”default\”] Are you using heat pump for hot water […]


Footprints Event

SICCI and CIIE together are hosting an event, \”Footprints\”, to celebrate Climate Change Action in Manufacturing Industry on 23rd June, 2015

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