
How Loud is a Heat Pump?

It is known that heat pumps are energy savings devices and a cost-effective way to cut down your heating bills especially if you are using gas/diesel fired boilers or electrical heaters. Everyone is aware of the heat pump working and its cost benefits but not the noise made by the heat pump. How loud is a heat pump? is one of the common questions we get from our clients (mainly from the hospitality sector). Let’s dig into this and see if the heat pump is as loud as conventional heating systems. Heat pumps produce noise while working due to their components. The noise level might be quite high, and this factor usually affects the decision when buying such devices. It is important to have an overview of how the system works, what the usual noises are. Air source heat pumps have four main elements when working: a compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve, and an evaporator. Of these elements, the ones making more noise when running are the compressor and the fan. Fan noises depend on different factors: the fan model and its speed, the airflow, and the pressure flow. The airflow depends on the heat exchanger since air produces an aerodynamic noise when it passes through it. The noise intensity varies according to design and air velocity. Pressure flow, instead, is related indirectly to the noise since an increase in pressure makes the noise decrease and vice versa. However, noises can derive also from the impact that the gap between the temperature of the air outside the refrigerator with the one where the refrigerating cycle occurs, creates. This causes the water in the air to become denser and freeze in the heat exchanger. To guarantee the correct working of the heat pump, it is necessary to run the compressor in reverse for some time to eliminate the frost accumulated. This can produce a disturbing noise that may combine with the fan noises. Water source heat pumps produce less noise, as they do not take the heat from the air, and they do not need a fan. Therefore, they are more silent. The picture below shows a scale of noises and their level in decibels.


8 Common Misconceptions to be Ignored About Heat Pumps

Although the functioning of a heat pump is known for a while, developing a cost-efficient system that would replace existing heating source while appealing to industries and hospitality sectors, became possible just recently. With the increase in popularity comes an increase in conflicting advice. Likewise, to the heat pump, there are lots of wrong information or misconception that go along with them. If you are unaware of the value that the heat pump brings to your industrial plants or hotels, here are some of the misconceptions that you should ignore about heat pumps. Misconception #1: Heat Pumps are Expensive Renewable energy technology is often considered as an expensive investment. The truth is, heat pumps are very affordable when you compare it with other types of heating systems. Heat pumps work for both heating and cooling, so you do not need to install two separate systems to provide these services. Heat pumps are also cheaper to operate. Misconception #2: Cannot be integrated with Existing Heating System It is not true always. Except with the heating system that uses biomasses as fuel, the heat pumps are very easy to integrate with your existing system, even if it is a complex heating system. What is so appealing about a heat pump is that it can be integrated in parallel to your existing system and can operate it as a hybrid system. Misconception #3: Cannot be integrated directly to your Process Tanks In industries, the process applications use different chemical solutions that require heat to pretreat or to wash the parts. It is commonly misunderstood that; the heat pump cannot handle the process fluids directly to its condenser. There are different grades of materials with chemical compatibility that can be used to handle this fluid. Instead of using heat exchangers to transfer heat to the process fluids, the heat pump can be connected directly to the process tank and can save a few hundreds of thousands of rupees. Misconception #4: Heat pumps are noisy Back in the day, heat pumps and other heating systems were quite loud. However, with today’s advances in technology, the amount of noise a heat pump produces are comparative to the noise or sound that is produced from a boiler. So, though it might produce some noise, it won’t be any more than the sounds your industrial machine makes. Click here to know the loudness of the heat pump. Misconception #5: Occupies More Space A typical air-source heat pump is as compact as industrial chillers. When comparing air source heat pump with conventional boilers, the heat pump requires less space. Misconception #6: Limited Lifespan Rumour is that heat pumps burn out quicker because they run year-round. The reality is that if your heat pump is properly maintained, high-quality models will last at least 15-20 years. Misconception #7: Not Efficient in Cold Climate One of the biggest misconceptions about heat pumps is that they only work in more temperate climates — not true. Since the ground source heat pump or water source heat pump takes heat from the constant temperature source, it can ensure an efficiency rate that is consistent all year round, regardless of the outside weather conditions. In contrast, the cost-efficiency of an air source heat pump is directly influenced by the outside temperatures, given that a pump like this extracts heat from the outside air masses. The efficiency of an air source heat pump will gradually diminish with the decrease in outside temperature levels. Still, the latest technological advancements in the field of thermodynamics, an air to water heat pump can work effectively at temperatures that do not fall below the 10 degrees mark. Misconception #8: Costlier to Operate Heat pumps can help you save over 30% on your energy bill, compared to other conventional heating systems. While the upfront cost may be more than other options, an efficient heat pump paired with proper insulation will save you money in the long run. Installing a heat pump requires careful consideration in a lot of factors. If you are interested in a heat pump and want to know more about the system integration and cost benefits, schedule a meeting with our Application Engineers to know more.


What are the common Heat Pump Failures?

  Heat pump – The sustainable technology in many industries The Heat pump has now become common in many industries and commercial buildings. Heat pump technology provides an efficient and sustainable solution for process heating and cooling applications. When the heat pump operates in a healthy condition, there is great opportunity to save a large amount of energy and cut your energy bill. It is not uncommon for the heat pump systems to operate with lower system efficiency than the efficiencies measured at standard conditions in manufacturers’ laboratories. Sometimes, a trivial installation or control error can lead to the performance degradation of the whole system to a large extent. To minimize the number of faults in the heat pump installation and performance degradation, one should have knowledge about the faults and how to tackle them. In our earlier blog: Flowrate vs Pipe Sizing (attach link), we have already discussed what should be considered for optimal performance of the heat pump. Now let\’s see the common heat pump problems that occurs due to poor maintenance and how you should handle them: 1. Stops producing heat If the heat pump stops producing heat and trips off after a few months of installation, the problem could be as simple as a faulty temperature sensor. A mistakenly wired/type temperature sensor can fry electronic components, preventing the heat pump from working properly. Check if the temperature sensor type and wiring/calibration are as per the manufacturer\’s recommendation. 2. Not Enough Heat If your heat pump is running and not generating sufficient heat to meet the requirement. Then, the evaporator coil is to blame. In industrial ambience, the evaporator coils are quickly filled with dirt/oil particles. If your heat pump starts to generate heat less than the standard capacity, clean the evaporator coil to get the optimal performance. Develop a maintenance plan to clean the evaporator coil regularly. Another potential cause for low heat production is poor refrigerant flow. In that case, contact us to schedule a service call. 3. Running Constantly If your heat pump runs constantly and struggles to maintain the temperature, the problem could be insufficient flow to the condenser or the evaporator coil is not cleaned for a long time. The insufficient flowrate occurs due to choking in the strainer or heat exchangers. The strainers and heat exchangers should be cleaned regularly to yield the consistent performance. The other reasons for continuous running might be refrigerant leak or feedback sensor failure or compressor failure.If you’re unsure about the problem, don’t hesitate to call us. The sooner we’re able to diagnose and fix the cause of issues, the better.


Heating Seasonal Performance Factor

You may have heard that the air source heat pumps can deliver 200% to 500% thermal energy higher than the input electrical energy. When you buy an air source heat pump, you were assured or expect that an air source heat pump to deliver the heat output consistently throughout the various season of the year. That is not always the case. The heat pump performance varies with ambient temperature. Normally, the air source heat pumps take heat from the ambient air and transfer it to water circulating through the condenser. When the ambient temperature becomes low, the heat available for a heat pump to heat the water will also become low. The heat pump needs to do a lot of work to drive the heat from cold air to hot water flowing through the condenser. This, in turn, reduces the heat pump heating capacity. So how can you check the heating efficiency of a heat pump if it varies with different seasons?  That is when the Heating Season Performance Factor or HSPF comes in!   What is Heating Season Performance Factor? The HSPF number indicates a heat pump’s heating efficiency rating. That number represents the total heat output of a heat pump, including the supplementary electric heat, during the normal heating season in British Thermal Units or BTUs, as compared to the total electricity consumed in watt-hours during the same period. The HSPF is a heat pump’s heating version of SEER or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. Typically, the higher the HSPF, the more efficient the heating performance of your heat pump. Heating output is measured in BTUs. This number is divided by the energy the heat pump consumes in watt-hours. The complicating factor is the term “season.” A heat pump works harder in different seasons, depending on the difference between the ambient/water temperatures and how long the unit operates during those times. The HSPF attempts to incorporate those factors. Therefore, while this complicates the math, the basic meaning is the same. A higher HSPF means a more efficient heat pump and more long-term energy savings. Both the HSPF and SEER can be converted to a COP, or Coefficient of performance, which uses watts for both the output and the input. It is just a matter of dividing the HSPF or the SEER by 3.412. Note that a heat pump capable of dual operation will have a heating COP and a cooling COP! Typically, the HSPF rating varies from 7 to 10 for domestic heat pumps. Currently, there is no standard HSPF rating for high-temperature heat pumps in India. Only ISEER is implemented for measuring the efficiency of the cooling system. Soon, the standards for the HSPF rating of high temperature will come out. However, before buying the heat pump, make sure that the heat pump capacity could deliver the heating requirement through all the seasons of the year. Hope you find these terms useful. To know sustainable heat pump solutions and cost benefits, check out our products to know more.


Why Pipe Sizing and Flow rate is important?

During our technical sales meet with various clients, we often discuss what should be the optimum flow rate and pipe size required for a heat pump system. Many people in the industries have concerns with how efficiently could they maintain the flow rate requirement for the heat pump system with economic pipe size. Knowing that many of you may also have had a similar question so we decided to give you a set of things to consider before installing one such system. In piping design, we often discuss how a pipe material performs with respect to corrosion and temperature resistance when interfacing with different fluids is a significant consideration during system design. Nearly equal in importance is how the fluid is moving through the pipe. Flow rate plays a significant role in determining the longevity of a system, as well as its day-to-day energy consumption. Understanding the efficiency with which a fluid can pass through a piping material is a significant step toward ensuring the long-term reliability and cost savings potential of certain materials. Coming up next are the factors, which influence the flow rate and pipe size in the piping system: Pipe Sizing and Pressure Drop: One regular factor in flow rate design is the calculation of pipe size. To diminish capital cost, some engineers may decrease the pipe size and increase the velocity. Adversely, the higher velocities can decrease the life of metallic pipes because of erosion and possible surge pressures. To optimize the flow rate through a network of pipes, we should look out to minimize how much pressure or head is lost throughout the system. The pipe sizing should always be done on the notion of balancing the cost with efficiency and reliability. The general rule of thumb for the hot water system is to maintain velocity in the range of 1 – 3 m/s. Efficiency Proper piping material selection and system design control the flow rate and velocity in a way that minimizes energy costs. The purpose behind this is as faster fluid translates to greater friction loss, increasing stress on pumps. More energy will be consumed and larger pumps may need to be installed. In addition, certain materials, such as metals, will corrode more quickly at high speeds. Corroded materials are less smooth and thus create more friction loss. By selecting an economic pipe diameter for the designed flow rate, the system will have maximum efficiency. As one increases the pipe diameter, the cost of the pipe increases but the pressure drop decreases, so that less power is required to pump the liquid. The net result is that there is a minimum cost as manifested in the net present value. The diameter corresponding to this minimum cost is known as the economic pipe diameter. Reliability and Service Life Optimizing the pipe size and velocity of the fluid not only improves the system efficiency but can also increase the service life. Some of the issues faced during increased velocity and undersized piping: High velocity in pipelines promotes corrosion/pitting; piping may be repaired or replaced sooner than expected. Abrasives and Erosion can cause premature failure Surge pressures due to water hammer cause more damages at higher speed. Upfront Cost vs Service Cost The main constituents that determine piping cost are piping material, pipe size, pipe running meter, and installation. If the piping system is undersized, the capital cost will be less expensive but in long run, the service cost and energy cost associated with the system will be very high. If the piping system is oversized, the system cost will be expensive to purchase and install. This is why the relationship between fluid flow, operating costs and upfront cost should be a balancing act. One should design the flow rate and pipe size considering the above-mentioned points before installation. In general, we try to design our piping system that balance cost with efficient and reliable. In other words, we design a specific system that will fit a budget not inflate energy consumption Not require excessive repairs and maintenance in the future.   To know sustainable heat pump solutions and cost benefits, check out our products to know more.



In the last blog, we had a “best heating device” title match between the heat pump and boiler to see which device would be the best heating source for industrial heating applications in the temperature range of 40°C – 90°C. The match ended with the heat pump as a clear winner. In continuation to that, we want you to know that what would be the result of “best heating device” title match if we had a match between the heat pump vs electric heater. This blog will give you a clear idea on what is the pros and cons of using the heat pump and electric heater. Let\’s begin the war of Heat pump vs electric heater       Round 1 – Floor Space Generally, the electrical heaters occupy very less space and immersed in the process tanks. In comparison, the heat pump systems need more footprint for installation. The electrical heater wins this round easily. Result: HP-EH —> 0 – 1 Round 2 – Efficiency Electrical Heaters uses electric resistance heating is typically 100% efficient because all of the electrical energy used is converted into heat and there are no combustion losses and piping losses. The efficiency of electrical heaters is much better than boilers. Whereas the efficiency of the heat pump can reach as high as 350% depending on the liquid temperature to be maintained. Therefore, the heat pump wins this round. Result: HP-EH —> 1 – 1 Round 3 – Quick Startup Electric Heater can provide a quick startup if the heating system is designed for startup load and operate at intermittent load factors. Because of the cost-effectiveness of electric heaters, the design for startup load will not increase the capital cost significantly. Similarly, the heat pump can be designed for startup load but the capital cost and the maintenance cost associated with it will affect the payback. In industries, the heat pumps are generally designed to generate heat at operating load with electric heater or boiler for startup. Thus, the electric heater wins this round. Result: HP-EH —> 1 – 2 Round 4 – Life Span The lifespan of an electric heater will last around 5 – 10 years depending on the nature of process fluid to be handled. While the typical lifespan of an air source heat pump is around 15 years. The heat pump comes back and wins this round. Result: HP-EH —> 2 – 2 Round 5 – Regulatory Requirements The regulatory requirement for both the heat pump and electric heater is minimal. This round ends in a tie. Result: HP-EH —> 2 – 2 Round 6 – Capital Cost Despite being an efficient system, the capital cost of the heat pump system is costlier than the electric heating system. The electric heater takes the lead by winning this round. Result: HP-EH —> 2 – 3 Round 7 – Energy Cost The electric heater consumes more energy to generate thermal energy than the heat pump. This shows that installing a heat pump system will give more than 50% cost benefit over electric heaters. The heat pump wins this round. Result: HP-EH —> 3 – 3 Round 8 – Maintenance The general maintenance required for both the heat pump and electric heater is simple, and the cost associated is very low. This round ends in a tie. Result: HP-EH —> 3 – 3 Round 9 – Environmental Impact Both the systems are relying on electrical energy for operation. However, the electric heater leaves carbon footprint 3 – 5 times more than the heat pump. The heat pump wins the decider. Result: HP-EH —> 4 – 3     The fight is over!  The heat pump wins the title and has a high potential for cost saving and carbon abatement. We hope this blog gave you a better understanding of the functional and financial difference between both the devices.  To know sustainable heat pump solutions and cost benefits, check out our products to know more.


Heat pump vs boiler | Which wins?

With the rising popularity of heat pumps as a heat source in commercial heating space in India, the use of a heat pump system witnessed an increasing interest in industrial process heating as well. The most popular heating sources used currently in the industries and hotels are Boilers, Electrical Heaters, and Heat Pumps. Choosing one of these systems as a heat source to one of your processes will come down to characteristics of that process, existing heat source, factory head’s preferences and budget allowance. Each heating system has its own pros and cons, but how do we decide which one is better than the others? Let’s compare the most used heating source – Boiler with the emerging star of sustainable heat source – the heat pump to see which device is going to win the “best heating device” title. Let the fight begin between heat pump and boiler   vs        Round 1 – Quick Startup The boilers are known for its quicker startup of industrial processes. In comparison, the heat pump systems are poor at providing quicker startup. The boiler wins this round easily. #Result: 0 – 1   Round 2 – Efficiency The efficiency of any heating system is how much input energy supplied is converted into useful heat. Historically the boilers are considered 50-70% efficient. With the advent of recent technology, modern boilers have a much-improved efficiency of around 90%. Whereas the efficiency of a heat pump can reach as high as 350% depending on the liquid temperature to be maintained. So, the heat pump wins this round with a big margin. #Result: 1 – 1 Round 3 – Floor Space A typical air source heat pump is as compact as industrial chillers. When comparing air source heat pump with the conventional boilers, the heat pump requires less space. But if we compare ground source heat pump with the boilers, the boiler requires less space. Also, biomass boilers will take up more space than the standard boilers. The space requirement for both these systems depends on the system design and fuel to be used. This round end in a tie. #Result: 1 – 1 Round 4 – Life Span A typical gas fired boiler lasts around 8 – 10 years. While the typical lifespan of an air source heat pump is around 15 years. This round belongs to the heat pump and wins it with an additional 5 years lifespan. #Result: 2 – 1 Round 5 – Regulatory Requirements The boiler installation should comply with standard design and testing codes like Indian Boiler Regulations (IBR) for optimum system performance. The heat pump system design and installation codes requirement is minimal and complies with typical standard hot/cold water piping codes. #Result: 3 – 1 Round 6 – Capital Cost Despite being the efficient system, the capital cost for some heat pump systems is similar in price to boiler heating system. This round ends in a tie. #Result: 3 – 1   Round 7 – Energy Cost Like any refrigeration unit, the heat pump is operated by electrical energy. The electrical energy cost in India ranges from Rs.6 to 10 whereas the price of fuels used in industrial boiler ranges from Rs. 40 to Rs. 80. This shows that installing a heat pump system will give more than 50% cost benefit over boilers. The heat pump wins this round. #Result: 4 – 1   Round 8 – Maintenance Even with not having a routine maintenance check, the heat pump can help to preserve good efficiency and prolong life expectancy without profound consequences. The general heat pump maintenance is simple, and the cost associated is very low. Whereas, the boiler system is strongly advised to have all the maintenance check annually. The heat pump wins this round again. #Result: 5 – 1    Round 9 – Environmental Impact Modern boilers perform quite well when it comes to emissions and factor of environmental friendliness. On the other hand, Heat Pump doesn’t burn fossil fuels. But they do rely on electricity to power their functions, their extreme energy efficiency basically guarantees that even in the case that the electricity is generated from a coal-powered station, carbon emission to the environment would be minimal. Given that electricity is now being generated through more renewable methods such as solar and wind power, even this negligible contribution is likely to reduce in the near future. The heat pump wins this round again. #Result: 6 – 1 The fight is over!! The heat pump wins the title from the long-reigning champion – the boiler. If you want to move forward with a sustainable heating solution, be environment-friendly and using fossil fuels for the heat source, then the heat pump system is your winner.


How to select a Heat Exchanger?

From the simplest to the most complex industrial heating process,are needed to carry out the fundamental functioning of efficiently transferring heat from in medium to another. They are one of the most commonly used process equipment in industries. Regardless of whichever industrial sector you find yourself in, you are essentially looking for the same product – that is, a heat exchanger that will efficiently get the job done for you.  So the question remains, how do you figure which one is right for you? Selecting the right heat exchanger is of critical importance. The wrong selection can lead to poor plant performance, operability issues and equipment failure. 10 Criteria to choose a heat exchanger To make this selection easy, we have listed out the 10 criteria to be considered before selecting the right heat exchanger: Application (i.e. sensible vapor or liquid, condensing or boiling) Operating pressures & temperatures (including startup, shutdown, normal & process upset conditions) Fouling characteristics of the fluids (i.e. tendency to foul due to temperature, suspended solids…) Available utilities (cooling tower water, once-through cooling water, chilled water, steam, hot oil…) Temperature driving force (i.e. the temperature of approach or cross and available LMTD) Plot plan & layout constraints Accessibility for cleaning and maintenance Considerations for future expansions Cost – One must consider Purchase Cost, Installation Cost, Operating Cost and Maintenance Cost. Mechanical considerations such as 1) material of construction; 2) thermal stresses (during startup, shutdown; process upset and clean out conditions); 3) impingement protection. By answering the above criteria, you can select an ideal heat exchanger design based on the operation specification. Whether it is a new process  or modifying the process with new equipment, the right model of the heat exchanger is important for process optimization. Any time a heat exchanger is being replaced, the opportunity should be taken to re-assess if the type used is best for the given process.  Operating changes since initial installation as well as advancements in the field of heat transfer may point towards a different type as being optimal.  

Blog, Heat Pumps

Direct or Indirect process heat integration?

[et_pb_section fb_built=\”1\” _builder_version=\”3.22\” collapsed=\”off\”][et_pb_row _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_column type=\”4_4\” _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_text _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”] When it comes to installation of Heat Pump (or Solar Thermal) Systems, one of the key decisions ourcustomers have to take is whether they should go for direct or indirect integration of the Heat Pump (orSolar Thermal) system with the existing heat generation system (eg. Diesel Boilers). The obvious advantageof an indirect process heat integration is that since there is no mixing of fluids, maintenance is easy.However, the downside is that it is more expensive. Before getting into more details, let us look at what adirect and an indirect integration means. In a direct integration system, the heat transfer takes place between hot and cold fluids. There are noseparating walls between the fluids. Properties of process fluids such as viscosity, thermal conductivity,specific heat reaction on the metal in contact are essential to determine the pumping thermal requirementand material of construction.Even though the direct integration of a heat pump with process tank looks simple and has higher efficiency,the cost-effectiveness depends on the type of process that requires heat.For example, the hot water generation through direct integration of a heat pump with centralized hot waterstorage tank in hotels will have more cost benefits than the pre-treatment applications in manufacturingindustries. Because in the pre-treatment process, the acidic and alkali solutions are used to treat the metalcomponents by dipping it through a series of process tanks. These solutions are corrosive and colloidal innature requires stainless steel of higher grade as the material of construction for piping components and heatexchanger.In hotels, only raw water is used as a heating medium, which is not corrosive, and scale formed by dissolvedsalts in raw water can be easily cleaned periodically with suitable inhibited acids. However, for using directintegration in a pre-treatment process application, the maintenance cost for frequent cleaning of heatexchangers, strainers and filters will overshoot the indirect integration cost down the road.The direct integration is best suited for hotels, canteens and some industrial applications where rawwater/RO water needs to be heated. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_column type=\”4_4\” _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_image src=\”\” alt=\”Direct integration of Heat pump\” title_text=\”Direct integration of Heat pump\” _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_column type=\”4_4\” _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_text _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”]  Some of the advantages and disadvantages of direct integration system are listed below:   Indirect process heat integration In an indirect integration system, the heat transfer takes place continuously from the hot fluid to the cold fluid through a dividing wall. Properties of process fluids such as viscosity, thermal conductivity, specific heat reaction on the metal in contact are essential to determine the pumping thermal requirement and material of construction. Indirect process heat integration differs from direct process heat integration in that an intermediate circuit is used for transferring heat between the two process streams. The transfer medium (water) absorbs heat in one part of the plant and releases it in another. This approach is used when: Direct contact between heat source and heat sink is not allowed. The intermediate circuit works as a safety barrier and leakages can be detected in the loop, before the process fluids mix. Process heat is supplied from long distant Centralized Heating System. Flexibility and reduced interdependence is required. Equipping the intermediate circuit with standby coolers and heaters makes it easier to disconnect a unit operation for maintenance, avoiding interdependence between plants. One heat sink requires multiple heat sources. Indirect process heat integration opens up a vast range of possibilities. Some common applications are: Heating Pre-treatment tanks (Surface Cleaning and Coating Process Tanks) Component Washing Application DG Pre-heating system Any Multi-tank centralized heating system. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=\”\” alt=\”Indirect integration of Heat pump\” title_text=\”Indirect integration of Heat pump\” _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_column type=\”4_4\” _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_text _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”] Indirect Integration is significantly more expensive in the beginning, but safer and less costly in the long run. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of indirect integration system are listed below:     Conclusion Because of the number of technical and practical constraints in integrating Air/Water Source heat pump with existing heating system, the notion of this talk is to understand all economically and technically feasible opportunities for direct/indirect integration system and then compare them to select the optimal integration solution. The selection of integration type primarily depends on the properties of process fluid and number of tanks to be integrated. Here are some of the common applications that requires heat with best-suited integration system: The following flow chart will give brief idea on selecting proper integration system for heat pump:   Integration Flowchart [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_column type=\”4_4\” _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_image src=\”\” alt=\”Heat pump Integration Flowchart\” title_text=\”Integration flowchart\” _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][et_pb_column type=\”4_4\” _builder_version=\”4.6.5\” _module_preset=\”default\”][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

Blog, Uncategorized

How can you beat the Heat of Diesel prices?

The saviour to beat the heat of diesel prices  What do a European Automobile Manufacturer, a Five Star Hotel, and a Non-profit organization that strives to eliminate classroom hunger of more than 15 Lakh students every day have in common? If you say, “nothing in common”, you may not be too far from the truth. Except that all these companies use Diesel in their day-to-day operations. Not only that, but they have also taken their first steps in reducing their fuel bill and decrease local pollution by switching to Heat Pumps. While the Automobile manufacturer uses Diesel to generate hot water for use in surface treatment applications, the Five Star Hotel has a huge Diesel-fired-boilers that ensure that its guests enjoy the comfort of hot water for bathing, any time of the day. And then we have the not-for-profit Foundation that runs one of the world’s largest Mid-Day Meal program in government and government-aided schools. This Foundation is forced to use Diesel for cooking purposes. Diesel prices have been increasing steeply over the last few months, and even though there has been a respite during the last few days, Diesel prices could very well increase further. The Diesel price change in Mumbai over the last year is given below:     Like most consumers of petroleum products, these organizations have also been affected by the 15-20% increase in Diesel prices since January 2018 and were looking for alternative solutions. And they are now convinced that Heat Pumps are the right alternative to Diesel based hot water generators. They are now customers of Aspiration Energy, and while a couple of them have opted for outright purchase of Heat pumps, thanks to their attractive payback periods, some of them have opted for the rental model offered by Aspiration Energy. They now join a list of illustrious customers of Aspiration Energy who are not only contributing to CO2 reductions but also improving their bottom line. We invite you to join these companies in reducing fossil fuel consumption, reducing fuel bill,s and leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

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