Are heat pumps more cost-effective and efficient than electrical heaters in a hot water application for the manufacturing industry?
Case of an Automobile Manufacturer
Let\’s talk about a customer – Automobile Manufacturer. The application they used hot water for is Engine Head Washing and the capacity of operation is around 28 kilowatts. Their temperature requirement is 50 to 60 degrees Celsius and they were running two shifts of operation.
Results of the intervention
We visited them to understand this application and gave an exact 28 kilowatts heat pump to meet that temperature requirement. You can see the installation photograph (below).

Before the installation of a heat pump, their average electrical consumption per hour was around 24 units. After the installation of the heat pump, it drastically reduced to 12 units per hour and they were able to save 86000 units per year. Not only that, but they were also able to reduce their carbon emissions. So, the heat pumps are not only cost-effective and efficient but also renewable and sustainable.
How did heat pump make this achievement possible?
How was that drastic reduction in the number of units even possible? The answer to this question lies in the ambient. Yes, the Ambient! A Heat Pump uses ambient temperature heat along with the heat generated with the usage of electricity. It converts that heat and transfers the heat energy from the ambient to the required heat output. So, the 2 kilowatt of ambient heat along with the 1 kilowatt of the electrical unit gives out around 3 to 4 units of heat energy output.
So, this is the working principle and in summary, this heat pump is going to save around 5.5 lakh rupees for the customer, for that particular application.
Can you achieve the same?
If you are using electrical heaters for your hot water application, please feel free to call us on 96777 63170 for a demo of our heat pump.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.