Aspiration Energy, Blog

Free Solar Power for 18 years

Aspiration Energy is the only Solar PV (Electricity) Project Developer in India to offer 7 years BOT (@ Rs 7.00 per KWH) at the end of which you will own the system 100% and get free power for the next 18 years. We can use your factory roof top to execute power plants from 200 KWp to 2 MWp, depending on the shadow free space available. Comparison of cash flows and savings – between PPA option available in the market, with our unique 7 year BOT is explained below: (for a sample 200KWp plant) Solar PV System Workings (200 KWp Plant) Advance Deposit paid by Customer in addition to Income Tax benefit from 80% Accelerated Depreciation. Rs 16,00,000 Estimated annual generation KWH 3,00,000 Cost per KWH-During 7 year PPA (BOT) Rs 7.00 Power Purchase bill paid to AEPL Per year (Rs 7.00 X Generation) Rs 21,00,000 Balance Asset value to be paid by customer at the end of 7 years, to get 100% ownership of the Solar Power Plant. Rs 0.00 Cost per KWH after tenure Rs 0.00 for 18 years Cumulative Savings compared to PPA model* Rs 419,00,000 *Please see cash flow comparison below Customer scope : Factory Roof top Infrastructure,  Periodic cleaning of panels. Cash flow Comparison between PPA model and AEPL’s 7 year BOT model. 200 KWp Solar PV Power Plant  7 Year BOT @ Rs 7.00  PPA Model  PPA rate  with 3% Escalation  Excess Paid / Saving  Advance          16,00,000          (16,00,000)                           1          21,00,000                   16,80,000                     5.60          (4,20,000)                           2          21,00,000                   17,34,000                     5.78          (3,66,000)                           3          21,00,000                   17,88,000                     5.96          (3,12,000)                           4          21,00,000                   18,42,000                     6.14          (2,58,000)                           5          21,00,000                   18,96,000                     6.32          (2,04,000)                           6          21,00,000                   19,50,000                     6.50          (1,50,000)                           7          21,00,000                   20,04,000                     6.68              (96,000)                           8 0                   20,58,000                     6.86          20,58,000                           9 0                   21,12,000                     7.04          21,12,000                        10 0                   21,66,000                     7.22          21,66,000                        11 0                   22,20,000                     7.40          22,20,000                        12 0                   22,74,000                     7.58          22,74,000                        13 0                   23,28,000                     7.76          23,28,000                        14 0                   23,82,000                     7.94          23,82,000                        15 0                   24,36,000                     8.12          24,36,000                        16 0                  24,90,000                     8.30          24,90,000                        17 0                   25,44,000                     8.48          25,44,000                        18 0                   25,98,000                     8.66          25,98,000                        19 0                   26,52,000                     8.84          26,52,000                        20 0                   27,06,000                     9.02          27,06,000                        21 0                   27,60,000                     9.20          27,60,000                        22 0                   28,14,000                     9.38          28,14,000                        23 0                   28,68,000                     9.56          28,68,000                        24 0                   29,22,000                     9.74          29,22,000                        25 0                   29,76,000                     9.92          29,76,000 Total        163,00,000                582,00,000        419,00,000 So before signing a PPA agreement for any Solar Power Project, contact us at or call us at (044-42185301)

Aspiration Energy, Blog, Solar thermal

Few questions; few answers (2) – About Aspiration Energy

Continuation of Few question; few answers (1) How financially sustainable is our organisational model? The project cost includes the cost of engineering, erection and commissioning. O&M and AMC charges are billed separately. The Project ROI / Interest costs along with conservative estimates of energy generation are factored in, while calculating the pay-per-unit price quoted to the customer. How scalable are our activities? What is the size of the opportunity in terms of the potential addressable market for our services? Target customers and our figures against external data. All industrial heating applications in the 60-120 Deg Cel are potential target for our solution.  The applications are spread across almost all manufacturing sectors such as Automobile, Engineering, Food, Dairy etc. New technologies in Effluent Treatment-Evaporation (ETP) also operate in the 90-120 Deg Cel range. The KPMG report of 2012, estimates the realistic size of the Indian market for Solar Thermal in Low temperature Industrial heating applications as 20,000 MW (70 Million SQ MTR of thermal collectors to replace 4.8 Million Tons of Oil per year) (Source: Solarthermal World Page 65 Section 7.2.2) We can contribute at least 10,000 MW. At an average of 2 MW per project, this will require 5000+ projects to be executed through 50+ partners across India over 5 years. We can also offer our solution and business model to customers outside India by working through local partners in each country. Impact 20% The scale of impact that our organisation\’s achievements have had, technically, organizationally and socially. For you to understand the significance of this, we have provided tangible, quantitative figures and comparisons.  The obstacles we face and how we try to overcome. Currently we have 2 major industrial customers totaling 1200 KW of capacity and 3 ongoing customers close to 500 KW of capacity. This is excluding the small canteen applications we have done for others. The details are as below:  Installation: Wheels India Limited Chennai Project size & type 630 KWth – Auto Hybrid Solar thermal energy produced 3780 KWh / day Fossil fuel equivalent 383 liters / day Fuel replaced Furnace oil Annual carbon abatement 2,80,800 Kg Application Pre-treatment process Payment Model to AEPL Monthly payment  Installation: Sona Koyo Steering Systems Limited Chennai Project size & type 210 KWth – Auto Hybrid Solar thermal energy produced 1260 KWh / day Fossil fuel equivalent 120 liters / day Fuel replaced Diesel Annual carbon abatement 97,000 Kg Application Pre-treatment process Payment Model to AEPL Monthly Payment The social, environmental and economical impact of our achievement due to the innovation in technology and business model will be huge once there is wide spread adoption of this by the industry for <120 Deg Cel applications. We have so far identified 120 MW of applications. Seriously interested customers are 25-30 MW. But the actual installed base is only 1.2 MW. This is because the voluntary adoption and decision making process in the industry is very slow. Worldwide and in India, the importance given to Solar PV is not given to Solar Industrial Heating. It is 20,000 MW opportunity in India alone, that can be achieved without any Government Subsidy. When the cost of solar thermal energy (after factoring all risks and commercial finance cost) in pay per unit ESCO model without subsidy is between Rs 4.5 to 6.0 per KWH, continuing to burn 4.8 Billion Tons of Oil per year for such applications is a criminal waste. IEA task 49, GIZ So Pro, WWF are some pioneers that have identified this and hence involve us in their activities, recognize and support us currently. (To be continued)


Few questions; few answers (1) – About Aspiration Energy

We started our blog a year back during July 2014. When we look back, the year had moments of jubilations, we became a WWF climate solver, won couple of projects that differed from the usual industries we worked on. Great learning curve. We are now 40 posts richer, sharing our thoughts, our views, current trends, setbacks. This is our 40th blog post, with a promise that there will be more blog posts that will strive to create the awareness within the industries to use Solar as their fuel, we present to you our few questions, few answers series. What we might feel as a simple question can have wealth of meaning. The simplest questions fetch answers that in turn pave way for research and growth. Few questions; few answers: Who are we? Aspiration Energy Private Ltd (AEPL) provides roof top, Solar Thermal Systems on pay-per-unit (KWH) model, for Industrial Heating Applications in the temperature range of 60 to 120 Degree Celsius. By innovative systemic enhancements to proven technologies, AEPL has achieved a cost per MW which is 30-40% cheaper than Solar PV and Solar CSP, making it economical and viable without government subsidy. The monthly bill is based on the heat energy delivered to the process through a heat exchanger. AEPL takes all the risks and converts the CAPEX investment in to an OPEX expense similar to fuel purchase / utility bill. What is our vision? According to a KPMG report in 2012, there is a potential to replace 4.8 Million Tons of Oil per year in Low Temperature Industrial heating applications (< 250 Deg cel) in India alone, valued at USD 3.5 Billion per year, requiring 70 Million SQM of thermal collectors. This translates in to 20,000 MW of Solar thermal capacity in manufacturing sector alone. Our vision is to achieve 10,000 MW within the next 5 years. At an average of 2 MW per factory, the no. of possible projects over the next 5 years in India is 5000+ executed through 50+ partners. What are the obstacles that mar our vision? Inspite of solar thermal being 30-40% cheaper than Solar PV and Solar CSP, due to the dependence on commercial financing, we are finding it difficult to provide PPU rates like Rs.3.0 per KWH. 90% project finance with a longer tenure say 15 years can speed up the voluntary adoption. Voluntary adoption and decision making is very slow. If the Government mandates the use of Solar thermal for all industrial heating below 120 Deg Celsius, we can execute 10,000 MW for industrial heating in India alone. Million of Tons of Oil could be saved per year. The resultant foreign exchange saving and energy security advantages for India will be huge. What are our innovations and how they benefit? Innovations in Systems Design: Through our constant enhancements on existing globally proven ETC solar thermal collectors, we achieve higher temperatures required in the industry (60 -120C). The design and engineering innovations allows us : To install large scale systems on factory roof tops (500 KW to 5 MW) Efficiently extract the heat from the ETC modules Transport it through 1000-2000 meters of pressurized piping circuits Transfer it to the manufacturing process of the customer through a heat exchanger. The energy delivery is measured and totalized at the customer’s process end for monthly billing purpose, if only the guaranteed process temperature is achieved. Energy generated below the guaranteed process temperature is not billed.’ Pumps, Solenoid Valves, Temperature Sensors and PLC based Automation are used to manage energy delivery and billing. We have achieved INR 45 Million per MW (USD 700,000) for projects executed in India which is 40% cheaper than Solar PV and 30% cheaper than Solar CSP. The energy delivered is 4 times more than Solar PV per SQ MTR. Innovations in Business Model: By linking the monthly payments to the thermal energy delivered, we completely de-risk the project for the customer and make it in to an opex expense like fuel purchase or utility bill. (5, 10 or 20 year contracts with pre-agreed rate per KWH). The asset is owned by AEPL or a leasing company or a third party investor. For customers who have accelerated depreciation benefits, we offer a very unique “Customer Owned but Pay-per-unit monthly billing model”. The customer owns the asset in his balance sheet and claims income tax benefits. The monthly billing (PPU price X Energy Delivered) realized from customer is posted in AEPL books in two parts : a) interest free EMI for the balance asset value and b) performance linked fee for AEPL. Comprehensive O&M and AMC are also offered as an option. How unique are our innovations? Burning of fossil fuels in boilers, is the most common approach for industrial heating applications even for temperatures in the range of 60-120 Deg Cel. Grid electricity is also used in some places. The cost per unit of thermal energy derived from these sources is on par or higher than the prices offered by AEPL for Solar Thermal Energy. Solar CSP systems (Concentrator Dish type) cannot be mounted on factory roof tops and ground space availability is a major constraint in manufacturing industry. They are also 30-40% more expensive than AEPL thermal systems and hence require government subsidy to make it viable. While these are justified for high temperature applications (>250 Deg Cel), these are not economically viable for 60-120 Deg Cel. Traditional Solar Water Heaters used in Domestic and Commercial sectors cannot be used for Industrial heating applications. ~to be continued


Footprints Event

SICCI and CIIE together are hosting an event, \”Footprints\”, to celebrate Climate Change Action in Manufacturing Industry on 23rd June, 2015 between 6.30 PM to 8.30 PM.  This event is supported by HSBC and Infuse Ventures. Venue: My Fortune, Cathedral Road Being the first event in the series that are planned to follow, Mr. Bharat Joshi, The honorable British Deputy High Commissioner, Chennai has agreed to inaugurate the Footprints event. Inaugural address – 6.00 – 6.30 PM: By Mr. Bharat Joshi, The honorable British Deputy High Commissioner, Chennai  Mr. Bharat Joshi\’s, varied career has been spent dealing with a full range of HMG objectives, including promoting political and economic reform and improved human rights; improved UK prosperity through trade; climate change and UN policy issues. A major part of his portfolio in Chennai is focused on enhancing the trade and investment partnership between the UK on the one hand, and Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Pondicherry on the other. Address – 7.00 – 7.45 PM: Mr. V. Narasimhan, ED – Foundry Division, Brakes India Limited. Mr. V. Narasmihan, will share with us the Case studies and success stories of climate change mitigation/energy efficiency action taken at Brakes India Limited. Mr. Narasimhan, is actively involved with Confederation of Indian Industry as Chairman of TPM Club India for five years and Co-Chairman of the Manufacturing Competitiveness Committee of CII – Southern Region in 2012. He is a member of the Working Group on “Green Manufacturing” constituted by the Planning Commission for the Twelfth Five Year Plan. He has been nominated as an advisor to the Deming Prize Committee by the Union of Japanese Scientists & Engineers. He is very much interested in Environmental Management & Corporate Social Responsibility and a very keen golfer and avid sports enthusiast. Address – 7.45 – 8.30 PM: Mr. S. N. Eisenhower, Director – Operations, Saint Gobain Glass India. Mr. S. N. Eisenhower, will share with us the Case studies and success stories of climate change mitigation/energy efficiency action taken at Saint Gobain Glass, India Mr. Eisenhower, is a proud pioneer in promoting green initiatives inside the organisation he works for. He also has been elected the chairman of CII Tamil Nadu State council for 2015-2016. Networking and Dinner – 8.30 – 9.30 PM It is easy to leave carbon footprints and move on, while it requires conscious effort to try and rub some of those carbon footprints and leave green ones instead. This series of event is all about taking that extra mile and make little changes that will make our planet a better place to live. While it takes more effort to start not green and move towards green, it is easier for new entrepreneurs to start their venture greener way. SICCI, CIIE invites everyone to step in to this event and step out greener in mind, heart and practice. To register for the event, please click here Viji Suresh, Aspiration Energy


Cleanpreneurs event invite

Hi Friends, The much awaited Cleanpreneurs event is quite literally just round the bend, a day before this week ends.  Spend your Friday in a green way.  Please click to view the invite and register for the event. Cleantech SIG in TiE Chennai is organizing this event “Cleanpreneurs” for entrepreneurs on 12th June ’15 at Clarion Hotel, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Chennai. Waiting to meet you at the event. ~Bhoo, CEO, Aspiration Energy


Cleanpreneurs – Cleantech SIG, TiE

TiE – The Indus Entrepreneurs is a non-profit, global community who believes in the power of ideas to change the face of entrepreneurship. Spread across 18 countries with 61 chapters, TiE Chennai Mission is to encourage and nurture Entrepreneurship globally, especially the first generation Entrepreneurs. TiE was founded in 1992 at Silicon Valley, by a group of successful entrepreneurs and is currently the world’s largest entrepreneurial organization which helps every aspiring individual to realize their dream of becoming a successful Entrepreneur. TiE Chennai caters to the requirements of people of Chennai and Tamilnadu in growing business through mentoring, networking, education, incubating and funding. Cleantech SIG in TiE Chennai is organizing an event “Cleanpreneurs” for entrepreneurs on 12th June ’15 at Clarion Hotel, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Chennai. Agenda for SIG Event on Clean Tech – Cleanpreneurs: 6.30 PM – 7 PM- Registration 7.00 PM – 7.30 PM – “Opportunities in Rural Electrification for Entrepreneurs” will be delivered by Mr. Upendra Bhatt (usually called UB) – Managing Director, cKinetics. 7.30 p.m. to 7.45 p.m. -Q & A session. 7.45 p.m. to 8.15 p.m. – “Global Cleantech 100” by Mr. Shyam Menon – Investment Director, Infuse Ventures. 8.15 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. – Q & A session. 8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. – Networking and Dinner. About Global Cleantech 100: Cleantech 100 target companies that are trailblazers in innovation that delivers the very best clean technology solutions. A significant research exercise, pulling together thousands of datapoints—objective and subjective; quantitative and qualitative—from all over the world, with the end goal of identifying where the consensus of sentiment and opinion seems to lie amongst the international cleantech community. Shyam’s presentation: The analysis by Shyam will provide insights in the world cleantech entrepreneurial trends. He will cover topics like: Most represented in Cleantech 100, changes in trends of representation, VC activity, etc on these sectors: Energy efficiency, Waste water management, Smart grid, Renewable Energy including solar and wind, Biofuel and Biochemicals, Energy storage, Transportation, Recycling & waste, Agriculture & Forestry, Advanced Materials, etc… Shyam Menon Investment Director, Infuse Ventures Shyam is the Investment Principal at Infuse Ventures, an early stage cleantech venture capital fund, new initiative launched by the Center for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) at IIM Ahmedabad. He brings over 11 years experience in cleantech venture capital, carbon finance and materials research engineering. To hear more on Global Cleantech 100, register yourself for the SIG Event on Clean Tech – Cleanpreneurs. Bhuma, New Intitatives – Aspiration Energy



TiE – The Indus Entrepreneurs is a non-profit, global community who believes in the power of ideas to change the face of entrepreneurship. Spread across 18 countries with 61 chapters, TiE Chennai Mission is to encourage and nurture Entrepreneurship globally, especially the first generation Entrepreneurs. TiE was founded in 1992 at Silicon Valley, by a group of successful entrepreneurs and is currently the world’s largest entrepreneurial organization which helps every aspiring individual to realize their dream of becoming a successful Entrepreneur. TiE Chennai caters to the requirements of people of Chennai and Tamilnadu in growing business through mentoring, networking, education, incubating and funding. Cleantech SIG in TiE Chennai is organizing an event “Cleanpreneurs” for entrepreneurs on 12th June ’15 at Clarion Hotel, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Chennai. Agenda for SIG Event on Clean Tech – Cleanpreneurs: 6.30 PM – 7 PM- Registration 7.00 PM – 7.30 PM – “Opportunities in Rural Electrification for Entrepreneurs” will be delivered by Mr. Upendra Bhatt (usually called UB) – Managing Director, cKinetics. 7.30 p.m. to 7.45 p.m. -Q & A session. 7.45 p.m. to 8.15 p.m. – “Global Cleantech 100” by Mr. Shyam Menon – Investment Director, Infuse Ventures. 8.15 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. – Q & A session. 8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. – Networking and Dinner. “Opportunities in Rural Electrification for Entrepreneurs”, will be delivered based on Rural DRE Mini-grids Innovation blitz : Fringe or Future? Gist: One of the key factors determining whether Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE) based mini-grid systems will become the mainstream energy access solution in rural areas or continue to remain on the fringe will be scalability (linked to regulatory resolution on long term operational latitude in the Indian context) and cost effectiveness. Despite focused efforts by the government, and a bouquet of policies and schemes, a significant numbers of rural hamlets remain un-electrified. While off-grid systems (primarily solar lanterns and Home Systems) have been introduced in many of these areas, those systems only solve the basic needs and are availed by only a fraction of the population residing in the areas. In recent years, in addition to the Government supported schemes, a growing number of private enterprises are implementing RE based solutions to provide electricity through a micro/mini-grid model. Decentralized renewable energy based mini-grid is a very nascent solution albeit with an ability to address the large opportunity of rural electrification in a viable manner. In order to ride the wave and capture a slice of this growing DRE mini-grid market, innovation is required to make the systems robust as well as cost optimal to meet the diverse needs of a rural setting. There are quite a few private players who are working towards addressing the basic access to energy to starved rural communities across the globe while also making a business case for it. In the near future, the innovations across the rural DRE mini-grid value chain won’t necessarily pertain to just technical solutions, but will be increasingly linked to alternative approaches to the existing issues. The innovations in this sector are likely to be driven by: Cost optimization Cycle-time reduction: Increased robustness of the systems: UB’s Presentation: UB’s presentation will give insight about , Government reference to power for all initiative How rural areas are not electrified What the opportunity is and actual innovations that are addressing the market requirements of rural electrification. Upendra Bhatt Co-Founder and Managing Director of cKinetics Upendra Bhatt (UB) is a ‘Go-to-market’ and techno-commercial specialist with expertise in technology evaluation & linkages. He has been closely associated with developing infrastructure projects in South Asia and has worked on shaping innovative market driven models for mainstreaming of technology and service interventions in the developing markets. UB chairs the Sustainable Business Leadership Forum, an Industry practitioners group focused on resource sustainability and ESG issues through multi-stakeholder working groups. In his current role at cKinetics, UB is closely engaged with the decentralized energy segment in the country and is spearheading several initiatives at growing this segment. Over the last 2 years alone, cKinetics has facilitated flow of over USD 35 mn commitments in the DRE space and in addition has also been instrumental in facilitating a new line of credit from a European DFI. He also serves as the Vice Chair of Alliance for Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE) and is a member of several task forces constituted by industry bodies. He is a frequent speaker at global industry events and adviser to several multi-lateral agencies. In the past, UB has been an early stage investor and co-founder of a development consultancy firm and has also been instrumental in establishing and ramping up the international operations for an Indo-US telecom services firm through its acquisition of a NASDAQ listed firm. He has also held project management roles at Fortune 500 companies, Itochu Corporation and Skanska AB. UB has a Masters in International Relations from Thunderbird – The American Graduate School of International Management, a Master of Business Administration from NMIMS-Mumbai, (India) and an engineering degree from Delhi College of Engineering (India). To hear more on Rural electrification for Entrepreneurs, register yourself for the SIG Event on Clean Tech – Cleanpreneurs. Bhuma, New Intitatives – Aspiration Energy



In other words:  Solar Power vs Solar Heat Solar PV for generating electricity using Solar modules has been gaining immense attention worldwide. Small CSP? I do not believe there is an opportunity for small scale CSP.  However, a lot of micro-grids and mini-grids are coming up at rural areas in India with Bio-mass and Solar PV.  Companies like Desi Power, Gram Power, mera gaon power, OMC power,  are all doing good work in this area.  If and when small scale CSP plants become economical, they can play a role.  I am not seeing it any time soon. On the other hand, CST (Concentrated Solar Thermal) is certainly a good opportunity for Indian industry.  Some early installations are doing well.  In the mid-term I expect that to pick up. However, we are betting more on ETC based technologies without tracking in the lower temperatures of 60-150 Deg C.  Here are our reasons: CST is a relatively newer technology, and there are still technology kinks that needs to be worked out.  On the other hand, what we are doing in terms of system level and slight technology modifications of ETC collectors is just incremental innovation, and hence more reliable.  Just to give a perspective – SHIP database, as is referred by IEA (link), has identified many industrial applications across the world. Another statistic:  Against the installed base of solar PV in the world of 175+ GW.  Solar heating is more than 300 GW .  Significant share of this is ETC based technology, and hence the technology kinks of the underlying technology of evacuated tubes are fully solved, and it is proven for decades. All said and done, CST costs are higher than basic ETC based collectors KW to KW or KWH to KWH.  That is another constraint. CST collects only DNI whereas ETC at lower temperatures collect GHI, which makes ETC energy plants\’s PLF much more than that of CST.  Economics rule the roost here. ETC based plants can be implemented on factory rooftops whereas CST needs ground space or RCC roofs. These factors make us bet more on ETC based lower temperature solutions.  Coupled with the recent drop in fossil fuel prices, and the above factors, I feel CST will take longer for adoption in India compared to ETC based solar heaters for the industry.

Blog, Solar thermal

Small Renewable Projects Eligible For Priority Sector Lending in India

The Reserve Bank of India said it will make small renewable energy projects eligible for priority financing. The nation\’s banks will offer loans of up to 150 million Indian rupees ($2.37 million) for purposes such as the purchase of solar-based power generators, biomass-based power generators and windmills, as well as for non conventional energy-based public utilities such as street-lighting and remote village electrification systems. For individual households, the loan limit will be 1 million Indian rupees ($15,800) per borrower. Under the priority lending route, banks must provide 40 percent of the net banking credit to specified sectors, according to the Reserve Bank of India\’s April 23 announcement. Vishal Pandya, director of REConnect Energy, told Bloomberg BNA April 27 that priority sector lending will bring significant traction to the rooftop solar industry, “especially for industrial and commercial consumers across states where industrial and commercial [electricity] tariffs are higher.” Wind, small hydroelectric and biomass-based projects also will benefit, he added. India has a target of installing 175 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity by 2022 as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi\’s goal of 24-hour power supply, clean drinking water and a toilet for each household by India\’s 75th year of independence.

Blog, Solar thermal

Solar Thermal Power plant vs Solar Thermal Energy Plant

I am asked in many forums about the delays and cost over-runs of solar thermal power plants, and how we have chosen to play in this field. Lets understand the differences: 1. Solar Thermal Power plants deliver electrical power – produce steam using sun, and produce electricity by running a power turbine using the steam. Solar heaters that we deliver directly deliver heated water into process heating systems. The sunshine is converted to heat, and used as heat energy. In Solar Thermal Power, sunshine is collected as heat, and then converted to electricity. 2. The technology that we use (ETC – Evacuated Tube Collectors) has a worldwide installation base of 175 GW. (64.6% of thw total worldwide installed base of solar heaters of 269. GW). This is comparable to 142 GW of solar power installations worldwide.  and 3.65 GW of solar thermal power plants worldwide.  Contrary to popular belief, solar heaters are HUGE and has been proven for decades. 3. Solar thermal power plants are based on optical concentrators, and the concentrating technology is relatively new, not yet fully proven.  ETC collectors have been around for more than 3 decades.  (Take an extract from session called brief history.  We need to make our own version of history, not from here.   You can learn more about ETC Collectors here. ETC is certainly a mature technology whereas concentrating solar is a relatively new field, yet to prove its mettle, while holding a lot of promise. ~Bhoo, CEO, Aspiration Energy

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