
Green "Power" Market Development Group at Hotel-Hilton

When they named it as Green \”Power\” Market Development Group, I was skeptical.  Solar Energy vs Solar Power – the long standing debate,  came to my mind.  But, they invited me to talk about Solar Heat, and actively listened. Overall, the audience was appreciative of the different direction that we are taking in terms of solar heaters for the industry. Some myths of solar thermal, mistaken with Solar Thermal Plants was raised, and I am happy to dispel them.  My take on  \”Solar Thermal Power vs Solar Thermal Energy\”. ~Bhoo, Aspiration Energy


IEA SHC – Task 49 – 7th Expert Meeting

IEA SHC Task 49: Solar Process Heat for Production and Advanced Applications The Solar Heat for Industrial Processes – SHIP database has been created in the framework of the IEA Task 49/IV. This online database contains a worldwide overview on existing solar thermal plants which provide thermal energy for production processes for different industry sectors. Each plant description contains a number of information e.g. about the size of the collector field, collector technology or integration point in the production process. The user of the database has the possibility to extract detail information from all identified solar thermal plants and create statistics like the share of collector technologies, size of the collector field per country or industry sector and cost per square meter. The SHIP – database is a living platform and will grow immensely. It is a privilege to receive the invite as an expert for the IEA SHC Task 49 7th meeting happening at San Sebastian, Spain on 12th and 13th of March 2015. Aspiration Energy an early mover in mid, high temperature sector, stayed course in this pioneering area of Industrial heating and today we are proud to showcase some of our successes at IEA SHC.. What is the objective of IEA Task 49/IV? Develop and improve solar process heat collectors and components Analyze and provide new knowledge on high temperature behavior of process heat collectors and solar loops Develop a testing procedure and to provide a basis for the comparison of collectors under certain conditions Provide engineering tools for optimized heat integration and optimized planning of solar thermal integration by advanced pinch analysis and storage management Identify new applications for solar thermal energy in several production processes through the combination of process intensification technologies Develop planning tools, calculation tools for solar yields in large scale plants Gain proven solutions for stagnation behavior Install and monitor large-scale demonstration systems Develop guidelines for solar process heat To lower the barriers for market deployment Bhoo also been invited to do a presentation on “Solar Heat Integration in Industrial Processes”, organized in the framework of the joint task of IEA SHC Task 49 and Solar Paces IV on 11th March 2015. Excited on the happenings and representing India as an expert is a proud moment for us at Aspiration Energy. Will update more on the happenings after the Task 49, Expert Meet. ~Viji Suresh


SHIP – the Noah’s Ark of energy?

SHIP – the Noah’s Ark of energy? Solar Heat for Industrial Process – is now named as SHIP by many consortium around the world, particularly Europe. It is so economical that I feel it is aptly called as SHIP. It is like Noah’s Ark of the energy future! SHIP: Renewed focus in Europe Good to see this project. There is a lot of focus on SHIP – Solar Heat for Industrial Process – here.


Better late than never – October 2014 events

It has been a month since I wrote a blog post.  I noticed that there were few interesting programs I attended during the month of October and November but missed out writing about them. Thought of sharing it now,  it is better to be late than never 🙂 I attended 2 events within a span of 3 days – both focused on our field: The first was a stakeholder Workshop – II on “Vision and Action Plan for development of decentralized solar thermal in India ” on October 14, 2014 in New Delhi.  This was conducted by Shakti Foundation and Greentech knowledge solutions. Sameer Maithel, spoke about the Chasm in Industrial Process Heat. How real! How insightful! Yes, we have such huge number of leads – we are talking with who-is-who of the industry – TVS, Tata, Godrej, ITC, Mahindra, and so on. But, even in our sales cycle – it is a chasm – the technical evaluation gets over, the commercial evaluation gets over – but before it translates to Purchase Order, there is a Chasm. The chasm is one of getting all the stakeholders together and making them fully motivated to transact. I am happy to see that the industry is seeing this Chasm and making efforts to close it. We can all read this book: Crossing the chasm The second was a Workshop on monitoring, design and certification of solar process heat on 16 October 2014 in New Delhi.  This was conducted by So-Pro India. Tarun Kapoor, Joint Secreatry of MNRE attended both the sessions. This shows the growing interest in our chosen area. I am very happy that this often neglected area is grabbing attention. Both sessions talked about how we can get policy / market awareness and credibility changes to grow the market for Solar Heating. There was a significant focus on Solar Heat for Industrial Process (SHIP) So-Pro event was 100% focused on Industrial process heat. One thing of great note here – like in any business, the quality of entrepreneurs and eco-system during the initial period determines the growth of the industry. In that sense, it is great to be part of this community – the people who were present were tachnically, commercially and behaviorally so competent to understand issues, their solutions and way to take this industry forward. Great to be part of this community.


Workshop on Renewable Energy – Solar Thermal Systems, Hosur

It was a focused gathering of Industry Engineers and few finance persons from the industrial belt of Hosur with an openness to know details on “Renewable Energy – Solar Thermal Systems” on 18th December 2014. The workshop was conducted by Aspiration Energy in association with CSIR – CEERI. Dr. Harish Barshillia, Chief Scientist from National Aerospace Lab, Bangalore talked about various aspects of surface coatings required for Solar Systems for achieving mid and high temperatures. Surface coatings plays an important role in solar systems. He pointed out that in solar thermal systems, high quality absorber coatings are able to absorb upto 95% of the energy in sunlight throughout the spectral range whereas for photo voltaic (PV) the commercial technology available has only 20% absorption of the spectrum. Dr. Bala Pesala, Sr Scientist at CSIR, Chennai spoke about the new emerging concepts in the solar field that would be a hybrid of Solar PV and Thermal. The most awaited talk was from our ” Proud Pioneer”, Mr. Shunmuganathan, Sr. Engineer from Harita Seatings, who shared their experience and the benefits they enjoy on Aspiration Energy’s latest solar systems installed at Harita Seatings. A proud moment for Aspiration Energy. Following this, our Solar Thermal Head Mr. Manoharan and CEO, Mr. Bhoo Thirumalai presented more details about Aspiration Energy’s mission, vision, technology and financial model, “Pay as you Save” (PAYS) model.   Mr. Raman, International Business & Investment Specialist, Onefinite LLC, talked about the Energy Security and world economics on fuel. The gathering had all the perspectives that were required for opting to Renewable Energy and also responded positively that their recommendation to Aspiration Energy Solar Thermal Systems for their companies. There was a interesting interactive session with the crowd , who all later dispersed for a sumptuous lunch. After lunch, a Site visit to our Harita Seatings installation was arranged for workshop participants. ~Revathy Ramakrishnan, Marketing, Aspiration Energy


IGMTP – Germany trip sponsored by German taxpayers

I approached the entire program with skepticism – A Government sponsored program?  1 month?  Will it be useful?  Germany? To think a country is taking such a long term vision of their international trade relations – by taking a bunch of business people from that country and provide free training to them – Awesome! 21 companies were chosen from India for this 2014 IGMTP program.  The interview and selection process with Hanna of GIZ was a revelation of sorts – unbelievable – the questions were centered around – will this company and person benefit from the program.  As unbelievable as it it, it is a fact, and I realized it during the 1 month there. Skepticism was flowing in others’ minds too.  One of my colleagues kept asking why German Government is investing this kind of money.  They kept on repeating that it is for long term trade relations.  As unbelievable as it it, it is a fact, and I realized it during the 1 month there. Germany – will it buy superior technology from India?  As unbelievable as it it, it is a fact, and I realized it during the 1 month there. Are they trying to sell to India?  In a couple of lectures they did mention that the capacities in Germany needs new markets.  And, they are a very export oriented country.  But, the reality is, this particular program is really, truly bi-directional – not just export promotions, but true intent of trade ties in both ends.  As unbelievable as it it, it is a fact, and I realized it during the 1 month there. In this program I learnt that there are other similar programs run by other countries like Korea, Japan, etc.  But, the very interesting difference is:  Personal Business Visits.  I could choose someone / some business that is purely relevant to my business, and during this program, they sponsored me to make that visit.  Not just paying for travel and expenses, but also actually arranging for logistics, and one step further – even making calls to help fix the appointments!  As unbelievable as it it, it is a fact, and I realized it during the 1 month there. The indebtedness I feel for India to provide me with all the nearly-free education with scholarships, with this program, Germany has created in me, and I hope that I can contribute to German-Indian trade to make the program successful in the medium term. ~Bhoo, CEO, Aspiration Energy


Indo German Manager Training Program, (IGMTP) Germany

I have made it a point to be in a class room for 30 days every year. During my Kellogg MBA days, I was spending 60+ days a year in classroom, with hectic travel, full time work and family. I believe that classroom rekindles the humility, make me rethink question and reconfirm many of my personal and professional values and change some of them. Classroom learning compels you to listen. And focuses your mind to a large extent to what is taught.  Learning can happen in a dance class as much as in design thinking class as much as in leadership class. Process of learning is to learn through different means. Some are auditory, some visual and some experiential learning. We discover how we learn in a classroom. This year, before being selected for the above program, I has already spent 15+ days in classroom including some Coursera classes. So, 2014 was a record year of learning – when I ended up spending 28 days in Germany in addition to the other classes! Time away from work for so long? Not really – this is the year when I have spent more than 60 hours a week on Aspiration Energy and Telesolar. This is the year where most of my classroom was relevant to the work that I do. Feeling good and roaring with positive energy! ~Bhoo


High temperature

New vacuum tube collector that generates heat up to 120 deg C. Very interesting article and technology. Our combined approaches of Integrative concentration™, StayLiquid™ , FlexiFlow™ are already creating temperatures like 110 deg C in our installation in Padi, Chennai. It is doing so at least for 5 hours in a day for a minimum of 250 days in a year! Once we install scaled system of our new innovation in U-tube type ETC collectors, I am positive we can cross 120 deg C. We are hoping that this innovation above can be much lower in cost than what we can do with U-tube.


Energy Wende

“Sun and Wind alter global landscape, leaving utilities behind“, says The New York Times. We are just trying to get to Germany with our solar heating innovations. Energy Wende is a great term. In fact BMWi – the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy – is renamed so from “Ministry of Economics and Technology” recently. Shows such a great importance Germany gives for Energy. I am happy that Aspiration Energy is chosen for the 2014 version of the IGMTP – The German-Indian Manager training program.


Raise up and bring down!

The Step-up, Step-down trap… This is the way the most energy systems in the world are built today – Electricity grids take the voltage all the way up to 11 KV (11000V), 33 KV (33000V) and 66 KV (66000V). Your home consumption may be at 230V (India) or 110 V (USA) and so on. But, we use a transformer next to the consumption point and step it down. Same way, many companies run long steam lines or thermic fluid lines that are generated in a central boiler plant – at 150 Deg C to 250 Deg C. This high temperature steam/thermic fluid pipe is very similar to the high voltage grid. But, the end use is usually at lower temperature levels. Much like our electricity – where our usage voltage is low. Say, metal pre-treatment is at 60-70 Deg C. Washing is at 50 Deg C and so on. If we can interrupt it at lower temperature level and produce energy, why should we not do it? That is what we have done in our Wheels India Padi installation. We stop the high temperature thermic fluid lines, and instead run the low temperature process using solar heaters that produce the requisite lower temperatures.

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