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Waste To Energy Technology

Transforming Waste into Resources: Our Innovative Solution for a Cleaner Future

The Growing Need for Efficient Waste Management

As the global population continues to expand, the challenge of managing municipal solid waste (MSW) is becoming more significant than ever. With more people comes an increase in waste generation, leading to an urgent need for effective waste management solutions. Traditional methods of waste disposal, such as landfilling and incineration, are often unsustainable and can contribute to environmental problems like pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Our High Temperature Gasification technology offers an innovative solution for transforming waste into energy. This process is applicable to MSW, coal, and biomass gasification, efficiently converting waste into clean energy while minimizing harmful emissions. By adopting our technology, communities can reduce their environmental footprint and harness waste as a valuable resource, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Waste to energy


Our company has developed an indigenous, perfectly integrated hybrid solution through a combination of “Gasification” and “Methanol Synthesis” to eliminate Municipal Solid Waste in a sustainable and scientific manner.

Our main objective is the production of synthesis gas from Municipal Solid Waste, which is one of the end products obtained after the gasification (thermal treatment). The syngas produced is fed into the methanol reactor to extract methanol.

We will set up a Methanol Production Unit for Municipal Solid Waste with a capacity of 100-TPD, which will address the MSW generated from any source.



Type of Waste Percentage
Organic (food) 45%
Plastics 24%
Paper 7%
Metal 6%
Glass and others 18%
Total 100%

Waste to Energy Technology

Our Waste to Energy Technology offers a streamlined approach to managing municipal solid waste. The process starts with Segregation, where raw waste is sorted into metals, glass, plastics, and inert materials, leaving behind Refused Derived Fuel (RDF). Next, the Drying phase reduces RDF moisture from over 50% to below 20% through cost-effective natural drying. Finally, our advanced RDF to Energy solutions utilize patented Gasification technology to produce high-quality syngas. This syngas can be used to fuel industrial furnaces, generate electricity via ORC or steam turbines, or be converted into methanol.

Our technology is designed to meet the needs of industries looking for efficient and sustainable waste management solutions.


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