IEA SHC – Task 49 – 7th Expert Meeting
IEA SHC Task 49: Solar Process Heat for Production and Advanced Applications The Solar Heat for Industrial Processes – SHIP database has been created in the framework of the IEA Task 49/IV. This online database contains a worldwide overview on existing solar thermal plants which provide thermal energy for production processes for different industry sectors. Each plant description contains a number of information e.g. about the size of the collector field, collector technology or integration point in the production process. The user of the database has the possibility to extract detail information from all identified solar thermal plants and create statistics like the share of collector technologies, size of the collector field per country or industry sector and cost per square meter. The SHIP – database is a living platform and will grow immensely. It is a privilege to receive the invite as an expert for the IEA SHC Task 49 7th meeting happening at San Sebastian, Spain on 12th and 13th of March 2015. Aspiration Energy an early mover in mid, high temperature sector, stayed course in this pioneering area of Industrial heating and today we are proud to showcase some of our successes at IEA SHC.. What is the objective of IEA Task 49/IV? Develop and improve solar process heat collectors and components Analyze and provide new knowledge on high temperature behavior of process heat collectors and solar loops Develop a testing procedure and to provide a basis for the comparison of collectors under certain conditions Provide engineering tools for optimized heat integration and optimized planning of solar thermal integration by advanced pinch analysis and storage management Identify new applications for solar thermal energy in several production processes through the combination of process intensification technologies Develop planning tools, calculation tools for solar yields in large scale plants Gain proven solutions for stagnation behavior Install and monitor large-scale demonstration systems Develop guidelines for solar process heat To lower the barriers for market deployment Bhoo also been invited to do a presentation on “Solar Heat Integration in Industrial Processes”, organized in the framework of the joint task of IEA SHC Task 49 and Solar Paces IV on 11th March 2015. Excited on the happenings and representing India as an expert is a proud moment for us at Aspiration Energy. Will update more on the happenings after the Task 49, Expert Meet. ~Viji Suresh