Workshop on Renewable Energy – Solar Thermal Systems, Hosur
It was a focused gathering of Industry Engineers and few finance persons from the industrial belt of Hosur with an openness to know details on “Renewable Energy – Solar Thermal Systems” on 18th December 2014. The workshop was conducted by Aspiration Energy in association with CSIR – CEERI. Dr. Harish Barshillia, Chief Scientist from National Aerospace Lab, Bangalore talked about various aspects of surface coatings required for Solar Systems for achieving mid and high temperatures. Surface coatings plays an important role in solar systems. He pointed out that in solar thermal systems, high quality absorber coatings are able to absorb upto 95% of the energy in sunlight throughout the spectral range whereas for photo voltaic (PV) the commercial technology available has only 20% absorption of the spectrum. Dr. Bala Pesala, Sr Scientist at CSIR, Chennai spoke about the new emerging concepts in the solar field that would be a hybrid of Solar PV and Thermal. The most awaited talk was from our ” Proud Pioneer”, Mr. Shunmuganathan, Sr. Engineer from Harita Seatings, who shared their experience and the benefits they enjoy on Aspiration Energy’s latest solar systems installed at Harita Seatings. A proud moment for Aspiration Energy. Following this, our Solar Thermal Head Mr. Manoharan and CEO, Mr. Bhoo Thirumalai presented more details about Aspiration Energy’s mission, vision, technology and financial model, “Pay as you Save” (PAYS) model. Mr. Raman, International Business & Investment Specialist, Onefinite LLC, talked about the Energy Security and world economics on fuel. The gathering had all the perspectives that were required for opting to Renewable Energy and also responded positively that their recommendation to Aspiration Energy Solar Thermal Systems for their companies. There was a interesting interactive session with the crowd , who all later dispersed for a sumptuous lunch. After lunch, a Site visit to our Harita Seatings installation was arranged for workshop participants. ~Revathy Ramakrishnan, Marketing, Aspiration Energy