Heat Pump Dryer

Investing in a heat pump dryer is not just about saving money; it’s about investing in a sustainable future.

Heat Pump Dryer

Heat pump dryers operate on the Reverse Carnot principle, offering an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient alternative to coal/wood burning and electric heaters/boilers.

Cost Effective

Our dryers are significantly less than our competitors.
This allows you to dry more for less.

Energy Efficient

Our system utilizes heat pumps,
using up to 60% less energy than
conventional drying.

Higher Temperature

Higher temperature deters insects and
the faster drying rate reduces the risk of
spoilage by bacteria and fungi.

Higher Quality Output

Our dryers are capable of drying at
optimum drying temperatures, resulting
in higher-quality products

We help businesses to reduce energy costs, lower CO₂ emissions, and achieve sustainability goals—without compromising efficiency.


ParameterElectrical HeaterCoal FurnaceFossil Fuel (Diesel)Natural GasOpen Loop HP DryerClosed Loop HP Dryer
Fuel TypeElectricityCoalDieselNatural GasElectricityElectricity
Heating Power (kcal/kWh or kcal/kg)860 kcal5500 kcal10200 kcal8600 kcal860 kcal860 kcal
Effective Heating Power (kcal)817 kcal3300 kcal8160 kcal6880 kcal1720 kcal4300 kcal
Fuel Price (Rs.)8/kWh6/kg60/kg40/m³8/kWh8/kWh
Operation Cost (Rs.)11.752.27.356.95.62.2
Maintenance CostLowerHigherHigherHigherLowerVery Low
Safety FeaturesUnsafeUnsafeUnsafeUnsafeSafeSafe
Pollution ExtentNoVery HeavyHeavierLessNoNo
Lifetime5-7 Years8-10 Years8-10 Years8-10 Years10-15 Years10-15 Years


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