
Comprehensive tariff order on solar power – TNERC

Comprehensive tariff order on solar power – TNERC This is good in more than one...
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Indian firms moving towards low carbon economy: CDP – The Hindu

Indian firms moving towards low carbon economy: CDP – The Hindu. Among the top 200...
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Solar against Biomass

Solar Energy is 100% clean energy. It controls pollution in atmosphere, paving way to cleaner...
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Bhoo’s interview with EAI

Bhoo’s interview with Narsi, EAI on “Aspiring High with Solar Thermal” Source: EAI For those...
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System converts solar efficiently to steam – Scientific American

Credit: Scientific American, Aug 4, 2014 These experiments are great and I see a lot...
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Crying baby – and not “Hungry baby” gets food

Follow through and keeping track: What is the big deal in following through and keeping...
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Leanoardo DiCaprio is now UN’s climate change ambassador

Excited to hear that one of my favourite actors, Leonardo DiCaprio is now UN’s climate...
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Solar Energy Vs Solar Power – 3

Credit: Ron Tandberg My earlier blog post talks about Solar Power and Solar Energy and...
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SolarMax – 2

A follow up article on our earlier post SolarMax principle One example to make a difference...
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